Theories of the family SCLY1 Functionalist/Marxist


Sociology Mapa Mental sobre Theories of the family SCLY1 Functionalist/Marxist, criado por nicoleeeheathy em 02-02-2015.
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Theories of the family SCLY1 Functionalist/Marxist
  1. Functionalist
    1. Murdock (1949)
      1. Argues that the family is universal institution that performs four major functions;
        1. 4) Education
          1. Primary socialisation
          2. 1) Economic
            1. Breadwinner/ housewife rolese
            2. 2) Sexual
              1. Socially approved relationship (marriage)
              2. 3) Reproductive
                1. Male and female having a child
              3. Murdock's research created familistic ideology
                1. His research is dated
                  1. All data collected was secondary making it unreliable
                    1. Assumes the family is harmonious and ignores the conflict and exploitation
                      1. Ignores family diversity and assumes the nuclear family is the universal norm
                    2. Parsons (1955)
                      1. Argued the Nuclear family retains two 'basic and irreducible' functions.
                        1. 1) Primary socialisation of children
                          1. Links to Murdock's 'education' function
                          2. 2) Stabilisation of adult personalities
                            1. Not the same but similar to Murdock's 'sexual' function
                            2. Parson disagrees with Murdock and he believes in the loss of funtions
                              1. He argues that the economic function has been replaced by the welfare state and that the reproductive function has been replaced by modern reproductive technologies
                          3. "The family performs positive functions for individuals and society"
                            1. Tend to neglect the meanings families have for individuals and how family members interpret family relationships
                            2. Marxist
                              1. Engels (1884)
                                1. Passing on wealth
                                  1. Argues that as private property becomes more important men who controlled it needed to ensure they could pass it to their own sons and this led to monogamous marriage
                                    1. This also meant the women becoming private property of her husband, who controlled her sexuality to ensure he was the father of her children
                                2. Zaretsky (1976)
                                  1. Argues that there is a 'cult of private life'
                                    1. The belief that we can only gain fulfilment from family life, and this distracts attention from exploitation
                                      1. Ideological functions
                                    2. Althusser and Poulantzas
                                      1. The family can be seen as serving the functions of an ideological state apparatus by socialising both pro-capitalist ideology and its own familiar ideology in order to maintain such family patterns over time.
                                      2. "The family provides important functions for capitalism"
                                        1. Tend to neglect the meanings families have for individuals and how family members interpert family relationships
                                          1. Ignore the benefits that the family provides such as intimacy and mutual support
                                            1. Underestimate the importance of gender equalities
                                          2. New right theories; the family is the cornerstone of society, but it is under threat
                                            1. Political rather than sociological
                                            2. The new right is a victim blaming theory
                                              1. However the New Right theory is closely linked to functionalism
                                              2. Charles Murray
                                                1. David Marsland


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