Live REAL*Live HAPPY Aligning your Personality (Ego) with who you REALLY are


Start learning to behave like the REAL YOU rather than the person you were taught to be. Marion Jorgensen
Mapa Mental por mjorgensen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por mjorgensen quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Live REAL*Live HAPPY Aligning your Personality (Ego) with who you REALLY are
  1. Outside In Living (Fear & Fantasy World Thinking
    1. Archetypes: People Pleaser, Perfectionist, Rescuer, Child, Victim, Addict, Saboteur
      1. Feelings: Shame, Guilt, Anger, Depression, Sadness, Shyness, Self Loathing, Worry
        1. Symptoms: Anxiety, Depression, Illness
          1. Words: Should, Must, Have to
            1. Life's greatest misunderstanding: Feelings of happiness come from the outside world
              1. Connected to your Ego: Experiences and Beliefs
              2. Inside Out Living (Real You Thinking)
                1. Happy, Contented, Creative, Forgiving, Compassionate, Peaceful, Joyful, Grateful, Loving, Truthful, Honest, Clear Thinking, Passion & Purpose
                  1. Not connected to your Ego
                    1. Feelings (the ones above) come from inside you and are created from Free Will, Choice, Truth and Honesty
                      1. Understand & Manage Feelings (Understanding V Fear)
                        1. Free Will, Choice by Honesty & Truth
                    2. Understanding how Thoughts are created
                      1. Perception and Thoughts
                        1. Feelings of Thoughts expressed in your body (include symptoms)
                          1. Thoughts & Moods: (Fooling you into believing you have a problem
                            1. Responding to Real You Thinking enables you to live a happy life
                      2. Internal Navigation System (Feelings)
                        1. NAVIGATING TO the Real You & away from fear
                          1. NAVIGATE AWAY & let go of negative thinking
                            1. Honest, Truthful Intention (Everything you throw out there causes an effect)


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