Beginning of capitalism and labour movements


World History Mapa Mental sobre Beginning of capitalism and labour movements, criado por Ximena Solsona Morales em 14-10-2019.
Ximena Solsona Morales
Mapa Mental por Ximena Solsona Morales, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ximena Solsona Morales
Criado por Ximena Solsona Morales mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Beginning of capitalism and labour movements
  1. Salaried workforce
    1. Household manufacture
      1. Increase of commercial activities
        1. Discovery of mines
          1. Accumulation of capital
            1. Use of money as a currency
              1. Feudal crisis
                1. Commercial crisis
                  1. There were few markets.
                  2. New ideologies
                    1. Agrarian crisis
                      1. Demographic crisis
                        1. Bourgeoisie was born
                          1. Rules set by guilds were too strict.
                            1. Guilds: groups of artisans that protected their interests in commerce.
                              1. 3 social groups in a guild: apprentice, journeyman, master
                          2. Overseas journeys increased commerce
                            1. Geographic discoveries
                              1. Scientific and technological development
                              2. Mid XVIII Century
                                1. Creation of trading companies
                                  1. Profit from doing business
                                2. XIX Century
                                  1. 2 groups
                                    1. Capitalists (bourgeoisie)
                                      1. Supplied capital and tools, hires workers
                                      2. Workers (proletariat)
                                        1. Work for a salary
                                        2. Strong inequality between these two groups
                                          1. Social movements for helping workers to get better working conditions
                                            1. Workers' associations (mutual organizations)
                                              1. Luddism
                                                1. Chartism
                                                  1. Socialism
                                                    1. * Anarchism
                                            2. Since the Renaissance


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