Applied Ecclesiology Project


outline for the applied ecclesiology paper
Michal Chapman Ramsey
Mapa Mental por Michal Chapman Ramsey, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Michal Chapman Ramsey
Criado por Michal Chapman Ramsey mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Applied Ecclesiology Project
  1. Name both strengths and barriers in the congregation for eschatological embodiment of the Kingdom in your particular place (as you are coming to see them), substantiating this naming process with the words of congregants and your participant observation experiences.
      1. How does the Story of God interact with what you are hearing from the congregation and in the neighborhood? What biblical and theological themes really address where the congregation finds itself right now?
          1. Paint a compelling picture to energize the congregation using eschatological imagination (use language and methods of the poet). This part of the paper may be submitted as or accompanied by some type of media presentation, sermon, or other creative presentation. Word count is waved for this section since it requires more of an artistic expression.
              1. Speak to the pastoral processes of leading this particular congregation in this direction.


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