1 borrador How to identify the current situation of Colombian enterprises digital transformation?


Mapa Mental sobre 1 borrador How to identify the current situation of Colombian enterprises digital transformation?, criado por Sonia Castañeda em 17-11-2019.
Sonia Castañeda
Mapa Mental por Sonia Castañeda, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sonia Castañeda
Criado por Sonia Castañeda aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

1 borrador How to identify the current situation of Colombian enterprises digital transformation?
  1. Conceptual Phase
    1. Formulation and delimitation of the problem
      1. Literature Review
        1. Construction of the theoretical framework
          1. Hypothesis formulation
          2. Planning and design Phase
            1. Research Design Selection
              1. Identification of the population to investigate
                1. Selection of methods and instruments
                  1. sampling plan design
                    1. Finishing and checking for the investigation plan
                      1. Conducting the pilot study
                      2. Empirical Phase
                        1. Data collection
                          1. Data preparation for analysis
                          2. Analytical Phase
                            1. Analysis of data
                              1. Interpretation of results
                              2. Diffusion phase
                                1. Communication of the observations
                                  1. Application of the observations
                                  2. Approaches
                                    1. Ontology
                                      1. Hypothetical-deductive
                                        1. Oriented by measurable empirical concepts
                                      2. Epistemology
                                        1. it is inspired by positivism
                                          1. Direct observation
                                            1. Verification
                                              1. Experience


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