

python mindmap
Alice Tustain
Mapa Mental por Alice Tustain, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alice Tustain
Criado por Alice Tustain quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. sequences
    1. particular order for things to be done in
      1. computer follows the task in order
      2. algorithms
        1. steps must be in order
          1. a procedure
            1. like a recipe
              1. small steps/calculations/tasks to be completed for a problem
              2. Benefits:
                1. allows you to focus on core functionality by taking care of common programming tasks
                  1. is powerful and fast
                    1. runs everywhere
                      1. easy to learn
                      2. Uses:
                        1. developing desktop applications
                          1. websites
                            1. web applications
                              1. appear in red
                                1. must start with a hashtag
                                2. a high-level general purpose programming language
                                  1. created by Guido Van Rossum
                                  2. .py
                                    1. saves as a python document
                                      1. so the computer opens the correct software
                                      2. 3 basic programming structure
                                        1. selection
                                          1. sequence
                                            1. loop
                                            2. strings
                                              1. string literals
                                                1. either single or double quotation marks
                                                  1. display with the "print" function
                                                  2. assigning string to variables
                                                    1. done with the variable name followed by the equal sign and the string
                                                    2. Multiline strings
                                                      1. strings are arrays


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