

Mapa Mental sobre Network, criado por Libby Daymond em 17-01-2020.
Libby Daymond
Mapa Mental por Libby Daymond, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Libby Daymond
Criado por Libby Daymond quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Advantages
    1. you can share files
      1. you can share resources
        1. you can share logins
        2. Disadvantages
          1. it can be very! expensive
            1. there's more room for error
              1. higher chance of viruses
              2. type of networks
                1. LAN
                  1. Local Area Network
                    1. a network contained in a single geographical location
                    2. WAN
                      1. Wide Area Network
                        1. a network that spans a large geographical area
                    3. topologys
                      1. bus topology
                        1. advantages
                          1. cheap to install
                          2. disadvantages
                            1. high chance of failures
                              1. lots of collisions
                            2. ring topology
                              1. advantages
                                1. cheap
                                  1. no collisoins
                                  2. disadvantages
                                    1. high chance of failures
                                      1. difficult to expand
                                    2. star topology
                                      1. advantages
                                        1. low chance of failures
                                          1. no collisoins
                                          2. disadvantages
                                            1. depends on a hub
                                              1. expensive
                                          3. internet


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