Is the study of philosophy becoming less God-centric as a result of growing agnosticism and atheism in the UK?
EPQ Mapa Mental sobre Is the study of philosophy becoming less God-centric as a result of growing agnosticism and atheism in the UK?, criado por Predine Utting-Simon em 24-01-2020.
Is the study of
becoming less
God-centric as a
result of growing
agnosticism and
atheism in the UK?
the origins of philosophy
Greek ideas- how many of them have survived?
that paragraph on the 'The Philosophy Book' NOTES on whether
theology and philosophy are inherently linked
ANSWER: No, any decline in the study of philosophy
(while it may or may not exist) is not contingent on a fall
in religious practice, because the study of philosophy is
not contingent upon theology as we so commonly
assume it must be.