The Mind of the Investor


Bachelor's degree Trading and Dealing (Benefits of Trading) Mapa Mental sobre The Mind of the Investor, criado por Vhia Rose em 14-09-2013.
Vhia Rose
Mapa Mental por Vhia Rose, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Vhia Rose
Criado por Vhia Rose aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Mind of the Investor
  1. Rational Investor Paradigms
    1. St. Petersburg Paradox
      1. Rational traders assume a value of a gamble is its expected value
        1. Diminishing marginal utility
          1. Solves problem of infinite return for finite value
            1. Increased wealth provides increased utility, at a decreasing rate
          2. Axioms of Choice
            1. Von Neuman and Morgenstern
              1. Ranking Investments
                1. Reflexivity
                  1. Completeness (comparability)
                    1. Transitivity (preferencing)
                      1. Independence
                        1. Measurability
                          1. Ranking
                      2. Prospect Theory
                        1. Focuses on change in wealth to determine utility in different situations of uncertainty
                          1. Certainty more convincing than expected value
                            1. Inconsistency in project evaluation
                              1. Framing: Presentation of data provokes emotional response to decision making
                                1. Endowment effect: fear of regret, or not willing to sell losing investments sooner
                                  1. Anchoring: undue emphasis on some factor that affects decision making
                                  2. Behavioural Finance
                                    1. Concerned with impact of human emotions and cognitive impairments on investment decision making
                                      1. Largely rooted in prospect theory
                                        1. Monty Hall Judgement Error
                                          1. Door switching
                                            1. Always switch to maximise probability of win
                                              1. Benefit to switching = higher value worth
                                              2. Competition between rational investors should drive up prices to fair value
                                              3. Dumb, Dumber and Dead
                                                1. Investment in wrong stock because of similar name
                                                  1. Reliance on overall market strength in expecting underperforming fund will turn around
                                                  2. Overconfidence
                                                    1. Knowledge of facts, concepts and relationships
                                                      1. Need metaknowledge (understanding limits of knowledge)
                                                        1. Benefits
                                                          1. Higher motivation
                                                            1. More persistant
                                                              1. Better performance
                                                                1. Higher success rate
                                                                2. Drawbacks
                                                                  1. More aggressive trading
                                                                    1. Lower wealth gain than buy-and-hold investors
                                                                  2. Neurofinance
                                                                    1. Emotion to negative experiences
                                                                      1. Irrational overreactions


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