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Mapa Mental sobre Enter text here, criado por Daniel Norred em 13-02-2020.
Daniel Norred
Mapa Mental por Daniel Norred, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daniel Norred
Criado por Daniel Norred mais de 4 anos atrás

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  1. Working Conditions - work place efficiency and safety standards, child labor, workmen's compensation, minimum wages, and working hours for women
    1. Immigrant living conditions - The immigrants came over in masses. They were not payed very well and lived in tiny apartments called tenements
      1. Big business - The government reached out to big businesses and broke them apart. The government wanted control over the railroads and other massive industries.
        1. Environmentalism - Many of the industries were endangering the environment, so environmentalists tried to protect public lands and health.
          1. Women’s rights - Women were campaigning for suffrage and other rights like an equal education.
            1. Racial discrimination - The colored people were not allowed to do many things the white people were allowed to do . This is largely due to the Jim Crow laws.
              1. Theodore Roosevelt - He was known as a trust buster. He wanted the railroad, food and drugs to be regulated by the government.
                1. Sherman Antitrust - First act passed by legislation to intervene with the concentration of powers. The powers reduced trade and interfered with the economy.
                  1. Clayton Antitrust Act - A law passed to help protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies.
                    1. Meat Inspection Act - Was an act by the legislation that was signed by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906. The law t prohibited the sale of adulterated or wrongly branded livestock and derived products as food and ensured that livestock were slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions.
                      1. Pure Food and Drug Act - This was apart of the Roosevelt Square Deal. It did not allow the interstate transportation and sale of impure or contaminated food.
                        1. Hull House - This was a settlement that aimed to provide social services such as education to working immigrants. In ding this America hoped to help out the poor people.
                          1. 19th Amendment - The 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. This was a major part of the women's right push during the progressive era.
                            1. national wildlife refuges - Established in 1903 by president Theodore Roosevelt. It was created to prevent birds from going extinct.
                              1. NAACP - This organization was started on February 12, 1909 in New York, New York. It was founded in order to protect colored people from discrimination and to abolish segregation.
                                1. Tuskegee Institute - This institution was founded in 1881 in Tuskegee, Alabama. It was an all black institution founded by Booker T. Washington.
                                  1. Upton Sinclair - She was a book writer who wrote almost 100 books. She wrote books about American industrialism from the workers point of view and the industrialists point of view.
                                    1. Jacob Riis - Jacob Riis was a photographer that documented the slums of New York City. He was showing what the “other half” of civilization went through. They lived in horrible tenements and were not paid well.
                                      1. National American Suffrage Assoc. - This was an organization that fought for the nineteenth amendment. The 19th amendment would grant the right to vote for women.
                                        1. Alice Paul - She was a women’s rights activist and suffragist. She was one of the frontline fighters for the passing of the 19th amendment.
                                          1. John Muir - He was the founder of the Sierra Club. This was a group that worked for the preservation of natural resources.
                                            1. Gifford Pinchot - He was a forester he called for a conservation of natural resources. He wanted to use these resources on what they were intended for.
                                              1. Act Woodrow Wilson - He was the president who passed the New Freedom Domestic Agenda. He wanted to lower tariffs and implement a federal income tax.
                                                1. Booker T. Washington - He was a black leader during the Progressive Era. He fought against the racism of blacks and he also was one of the founders of the tuskegee institute.
                                                  1. William Howard Taft - He was the 27th president of the United States of America. He was Theodore Roosevelt's hand picked successor for the presidential position.
                                                    1. Gifford Pinchot - He was a forester he called for a conservation of natural resources. He wanted to use these resources on what they were intended for.
                                                      1. Alice Paul - She was a women’s rights activist and suffragist. She was one of the frontline fighters for the passing of the 19th amendment.
                                                        1. National American Suffrage Assoc. - This was an organization that fought for the nineteenth amendment. The 19th amendment would grant the right to vote for women.
                                                          1. Act Woodrow Wilson - He was the president who passed the New Freedom Domestic Agenda. He wanted to lower tariffs and implement a federal income tax.
                                                            1. Booker T. Washington - He was a black leader during the Progressive Era. He fought against the racism of blacks and he also was one of the founders of the tuskegee institute.
                                                              1. John Muir - He was the founder of the Sierra Club. This was a group that worked for the preservation of natural resources.
                                                                1. William Howard Taft - He was the 27th president of the United States of America. He was Theodore Roosevelt's hand picked successor for the presidential position.


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