World War 1


Part 3 of half term holiday work
Mapa Mental por Craig_Woodman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Craig_Woodman mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

World War 1
  1. World war 1 was very important for Women, it gave them the opportunity to show men what they could really do and that they deserved a more equal place in society, such as gaining the vote
    1. Women did things like...
      1. Farming
        1. Ammunitions manufacture
          1. Building planes and tanks etc
          2. When women did things back home for the war effort such as farming they were called the 'Women's Land Army'.
            1. Women had agreed to stop there protests for the vote as they had all agreed that the war needed to come first, this in many people opinion is what actually inadvertently won them the vote.
            2. World war 1 began on 28th July 1914
              1. Many people were actually happy when it was declared there was a war, people weren't aware of the consequences of the war.
              2. World war 1 ended on 11th November 1918
                1. Peoples attitudes when the war ended were very different to when they started, when war was declared people were happy, now it had been declared war was over people were overjoyed.
                2. One way the Germans tried to win the war was by bombing the British supply boats that were bringing produce into the UK, this meant food had to be rationed.
                  1. They did this by using German U-Boats aka Submarines
                    1. As a result of the rationing there is plenty of real photos from the time showing cueing in their droves to claim there weekly allowance.
                    2. WW1 involved large amounts of trench warfare and the conditions in these trenches were appalling such as Trench foot, the other big problem was the rats who spread disease rapidly for both sides.
                      1. The use of planes and heavy machinery was limited as neither side had learned how to mass produce these items yet.
                      2. DORA Defence Of the Relam Act, this gave the government the power to take anything needed for the war effort, it also gave the government power to make things criminal offences, it was passed only 4 days into the war.


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