Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers,
technology leaders and parents to understand what
students/children/technology users should know to
use technology appropriately.
Digital Literacy
It is the ability to understand
and use information in
different formats from a
range wide of resourceswhen
it is presented via computer.
It is also the ability
to use technology for
different purposes.
A digitally literate person can use
technology to evaluate information,
connect and collaborate with others,
produce and share original content,
and use the Internet and Technology
to achieve different goals.
Our obligation is to teach our Ss to become
responsible digital citizens
Nine Elements of
Digital Cityzenship
Digital Access: full
electronic participation in
Digital Commerce: electronic
buying and selling of goods.
electronic exchange
of information.
Digital Literacy: process of teaching
and learning about technology and
the use of technology.
Digital Etiquette:
electronic standards of
conduct or procedure.
Digital Law:
responsibility for
actions and deeds
Digital Rights & Responsibilities: those
freedoms extended to everyone in a
digital world.
Digital Health & Wellness: physical and
psychological well-being in a digital technology
Digital Security (self-protection):
electronic precautions to guarantee