Computer System -IP


Mapa Mental sobre Computer System -IP, criado por Aparna Dhirde em 09-03-2020.
Aparna Dhirde
Mapa Mental por Aparna Dhirde, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aparna Dhirde
Criado por Aparna Dhirde mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Computer System -IP
  1. Input Unit/Device
    1. E.g. keyboard, mouse
    2. Output Unit(Device)
      1. E.g Printer, Monitor
      2. Computer Evolution
        1. 500 BC
          1. Abacus
          2. 1642
            1. Pascaline
            2. 1834
              1. Analytic Engine
              2. 1890
                1. Tabulating Machine
                2. 1937
                  1. Turning Machine
                  2. 1945
                    1. EDVAC/ENIAC
                    2. 1947
                      1. Transistors
                      2. 1970
                        1. Integrated Circuits
                      3. Hardware
                        1. Physical Components
                          1. E.g Keyboard, mouse,screen,CPU
                        2. Software
                          1. Computer Programs
                            1. Programming language
                              1. High level
                                1. E.g Python, c
                                2. Low level
                                  1. E.g Assembly
                              2. Application s/w
                                1. General Purpose
                                  1. Customized s/w
                                  2. System s/w
                                    1. Operation system
                                      1. E.g Windows, Unix, Linux
                                        1. Types
                                          1. Single user
                                            1. Multi user
                                            2. Interfaces
                                              1. Command based
                                                1. E.g MSDOS, Unix
                                                2. GUI
                                                  1. E.g Windows
                                                  2. Touched based
                                                    1. E.g Android
                                                    2. Voice Based
                                                      1. E.g. Android (Google now)
                                                      2. Gesture based
                                                        1. E.g Waving,eye motion
                                                    3. Language Translator
                                                      1. Compiler
                                                        1. E.g C, C++
                                                        2. Assembler
                                                          1. E.g Assembly
                                                          2. Interpreter
                                                            1. E.g Python, java
                                                        3. Utility s/w
                                                        4. Computer Memory
                                                          1. Units of Memory
                                                            1. KB
                                                              1. MB
                                                                1. GB
                                                                  1. TB
                                                                  2. Typesof Memory
                                                                    1. Primary Memory
                                                                      1. RAM(Random Access Memory)
                                                                        1. Can perform read and write operations
                                                                          1. Ram is volatile
                                                                        2. ROM (Read Only Memory)
                                                                          1. Only read operation performed
                                                                            1. Rom if non volatile
                                                                        3. Cache Memory
                                                                          1. a very high speed memory
                                                                          2. Secondary Memory
                                                                            1. to permanently store the data
                                                                          3. Data Capturing, Storage, and Retrieval
                                                                            1. Data Capturing
                                                                              1. process of gathering data from different sources in digital form
                                                                              2. Data Storage
                                                                                1. process of storing the captured data for processing later.
                                                                                2. Data Retrieval
                                                                                  1. fetching data from the storage devices
                                                                                  2. Data Deletion and Recovery
                                                                                3. Proprietary or Free and Open Source Software


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