18.1 Careers in Pharmacy


Mind map about pharmacy's careers , for the subject (Careers in Health)
Mapa Mental por memoretta, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por memoretta aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

18.1 Careers in Pharmacy
  1. 1. Pharmacy aide
    1. *High school diploma + informal on the job training (OTJ)
      1. - Answer telephones - Handle billing and payments - Establish and maintain client profiles - Prepare insurance claims forms -Stock and take inventory of prescription and OTC medications - Inform the supervisor of stock needs - Clean pharmacy equipment - Help with supplies maintenance.
        1. 2. Pharmacy technician
          1. *6 months or 2 yrs of technical training , or ending with associate degree
            1. - Prepare medications - Answering the phone - Referring any questions regarding prescriptions, drug information to a pharmacist- Complete claim forms - Prepare intravenous medications and chemotherapy - Establish and maintain client profiles - Take inventory of prescription and non prescription medications - Order new supplies of medications as needed, - Maintain the pharmacy equipments.
              1. 3. Pharmacist
                1. Provide clients the correct medication in the correct amount - Advise physicians and other health practitioners about medications, -Counsel clients and answer thier questions about prescription drug, -Provide information about non-prescriotion drugs and make recommendations- Complete third-party insurance forms and other paperwork - Hire and supervise + oversee the general pharmacy's operations - Prepare sterile solutions -Purchase medical supplies - Provide specialized services to help clients with certain conditions - Assess,plan,and monitor drug programs - Evaluate drug use pattern and outcomes for client -Teach pharmacy students - Delegate prescription-filling and administrative tasks.
                  1. *A min. of 6 yrs to earn master's degree or doctorate. + internship
                    1. 5. Pharmaceutical representative
                      1. *Associate's or bachelor's degree in a health field+ some training in business.
                        1. Distribute the information they learnt in intensive training and education on the company's products to healthcare workers by traveling to pharmacies, clinics, and hospitals to meet with doctors ,nurses and pharmacists.
                          1. 4. Pharmaceutical researcher
                            1. *A graduate degree (either a master's degree or a Ph.D.) in biological or chemical science.
                              1. Develop and refine new therapies (will address unmet medical needs)
                                1. Done By : Maryam Eidha 12-4
                                  1. In the UAE
                                    1. -it varies some need MOH licenses and some need HAAD's. -some places need a specific amount of years experiences.
                                        1. Work Locations
                                          1. Hospital Pharmacies
                                            1. Community or retail pharmacies


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