Roger's Painful Toe


Mapa Mental sobre Roger's Painful Toe, criado por aa aa em 20-03-2020.
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Mapa Mental por aa aa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Criado por aa aa mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Roger's Painful Toe
  1. Roger, a 50-year-old come to the clinic complaining of a painful great toe, the toe hurts on the mildest contact, and he is not able to stand on his foot.
    1. DDx
      1. Gout
        1. Definition
          1. Gout is a syndrome characterized by: hyperuricemia and deposition of urate crystals causing attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis
          2. Etiology
            1. There is a causal relationship between hyperuricemia (high urate level) and gout. Urate is a metabolite of purines and the ionized form of uric acid (a weak acid at a physiologic pH); hence, uric acid exists mostly as urate. Hyperuricemia does not always lead to gout, but the incidence of gout increases with urate level.
              1. Pathophysiology
              2. Risk factors
                1. Management
                  1. Acute
                    1. Recurrent
                    2. Diagnosis
                      1. Investigations
                      2. Pseudogout
                        1. Arthritis
                          1. Septic arthritis
                            1. Rheumatoid Athritis


                        Períodos geológicos
                        Alessandra S.
                        Novo Acordo Ortográfico - Uso do Hífen
                        Alessandra S.
                        Phrasal Verbs
                        Alessandra S.
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                        Carlos Moradore
                        Oração Subordinada Substantiva
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                        Luís Pita
                        Planejamento e Controle da Produção
                        Luciana Amaral Pereira Freire
                        Globalização e Revoluções técnico-científicas
                        João Victor
                        Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica - HAS
                        Katye dos Passos Rodrigues