Objectives of BP


Mapa Mental sobre Objectives of BP, criado por Roxy Bredikhina em 01-03-2013.
Roxy Bredikhina
Mapa Mental por Roxy Bredikhina, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Roxy Bredikhina
Criado por Roxy Bredikhina mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Objectives of BP
  1. P.S.U.C.F
    1. Problem
      1. Big and painful
        1. How many buyers?(Num&$)
          1. How painful is it to market?
            1. How's the problem dealt today?
              1. Comptetion
                1. Substitutes
              2. Solution
                1. Clear and Unique
                  1. Basics of ur solution
                    1. Basic unique advantage
                      1. Define the time and scale of advantage
                      2. Unequal advantage
                        1. team, go-to-market,distribution, etc
                          1. Legal and ethic but UNEQUAL
                            1. Intellectual property
                              1. Unique processes/position/relationship
                                1. Unique go-to-market/in operation
                                  1. Sustainable price point adv
                                2. Competition
                                  1. Buyer's option
                                    1. How else prospective buyers solve this problem?
                                      1. Competition solution
                                        1. Wait/status quo
                                          1. Built in-house
                                            1. Pretend it doesn't exist
                                              1. Deflect problem to a supplier
                                            2. Financials
                                              1. Needs, funds use, return, etc
                                                1. Money you need to succeed
                                                  1. Planned use of funds
                                                    1. Major milestones
                                                      1. High level 3 to 5 fin projectiles
                                                        1. Possible exit strategies and scenarios


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