Linked Lists WedW15


A quick mind map summarizing the ideas associated with linked lists that is progressively adapted as the course continues.
Madeline Harlow
Mapa Mental por Madeline Harlow, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Madeline Harlow
Criado por Madeline Harlow quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Linked Lists WedW15
  1. Composed of nodes
    1. Nodes contain data
      1. Nodes contain pointer to nxt node
        1. typedef struct node{ int data; struct node * next;}NODE;
          1. Saved in the heap
            1. NODE* p = malloc(sizeof(NODE));
              1. free(p);
                1. assert(p!=NULL);
              2. add nodes
                1. add to front
                  1. newNode->next= head; head = newNode;
                  2. add to back
                    1. add to middle
                    2. delete nodes
                      1. delete front
                        1. delete middle
                          1. delete last
                            1. delete all
                            2. traverse a list
                              1. modify/set values
                                1. append (see add node)
                                  1. counting nodes (length)
                                    1. search for value
                                      1. sum, average, math
                                        1. # of occurances
                                        2. Always starts with head
                                          1. head == NULL the list is empty
                                            1. head != NULL list is occupied
                                            2. Always end with NULL
                                              1. if(p->next == NULL) p is point to the last node (p is tail)
                                                1. found the end of the list (see append)
                                                2. if(p == NULL)
                                                  1. traverse through whole list


                                                Programming in C MindMap
                                                Tejas Rao
                                                MIND MAP 1
                                                C programming # 001
                                                REAÇÕES QUÍMICAS
                                                16 Dicas para o Professor Criativo
                                                Alessandra S.
                                                Glossário de Português
                                                Alessandra S.
                                                TIPOS - AÇÃO PENAL
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                                                REVISÃO DO ENS FUNDAMENTAL
                                                Paulo César R. Silva
                                                Contextualização Aula 02 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
                                                Jéssica Meireles