
Comparative chart of listening, reading, writing and speaking through their definitions, subskills and lesson patterns.
Ixchel  Crespo Hernández
Mapa Mental por Ixchel Crespo Hernández , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ixchel  Crespo Hernández
Criado por Ixchel Crespo Hernández mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Listening
    1. Is a receptive skill as it involves responding to language rather than producing it. It involves making sense of the meaningful sounds of language. We do this by making use of CONTEXT, lanhuahe and our knowledge of the world.
      1. As we don't listen everything in the same way, there are several subskills, depending of Listening for gist/global understanding specific, detail or infer. Other ways are: -Listening intensively -Listening extensively
        1. It also contains utterances, different text types (songs, instructions, stories, etc.), interaction patterns, among others
          1. 1.- Introductory activities: An introduction to the topic of the text and activities ficusing on key vocabulary in the text: Pre-teaching vocabulary, encourage learners. 2.- Main activities: A series of activities developing different listening subskills and moving from general to more detailed listening. 3.- Post-tasks activities: activities which ask learners to talk about the topic of the text relates to their own lives or give their opinions on parts of the text
    2. Reading
      1. It is a receptive skill, this means it involves responding to a text; Involves making sense of written text, to this we need to understand the language on the text at a word level, sentence level or whole-text level. We also need to connect the message of the text to our knowledge of the world.
        1. -Reading for specific information (scanning). -Reading for detail. -Deducing meaning from context. -Undestanding text structure. -Skimming. -Inferring. -Predecting
          1. They help us read in different ways according to our purpose for reading, when we read not necesarily need to read everything in a text. How we read depends on what and why we are reading.
            1. 1.- Pre-teaching vocabulary; encourage estudents to predict text structure. 2.- Include lead-in activities: brainstorms. 3.- Give opportunities for extensive reading, grade readers buil their confidence and consolidate the language.
              1. 1.- Introductory activities: focusing on the topicof the text. 2.- Main activities: Series of comprehension activities developing different reading subskills focusing initially on general, then more detailed comprehension. 3.- Post-tasks activities: activities asking learners to talk about how the topic of the text relates to their opinions on something in the text. These activities require learners to use some of the language they have met in the text
      2. Speaking
        1. This is a productive skill, that means that unlike listening and reading involve producing language rather than receiving it. Speaking involves using speech to communicate meanings to other people.
          1. Speaking involves a lot more than just using grammar and vocabulary accurately in speech. When we speak we constantly have in mind the person we are speaking to and our wish to communicate our meaning successfully to them. We use: Body language (gestures aye contact, facial expressions) Interaction, turn-tacking. Features (intonation, word and sentence stress, accurate individual sounds, linking and contractions). Fluency. Accuracy. Appropriacy. Formality or Informallity, Text type, Structure and the complex of the activity.
            1. Controlled practice activities: drills, repetition, learnt by heart, motivate learners; fluency activities; information-gap activities; explain solutions; This is a process...
              1. Lead-in: An introduction to the topic of the leson plus activities including a focus on the new anguage. 2.- Practice activities: or tasks in which learners have opportunities to use the new language - these activities may move from controlled to freer activities or a teacher may choose to do them in the opposite order, depending on the class and learning context.
                1. Integrated skill lessons
        2. Writing
          1. This is a productive skill, that means that unlike listening and reading involve producing language rather than receiving it. Writing involves to communicate message by making signs on a page, to write we need to have something to communicate, and usually someone to communicate it to. We also need to be able to form letters and words, to join thesetogether to make sentences or a series of sentences that link togther and to communicate our message in such a way as to get our message across.
            1. Some of their sunskills are related to accuracy, using the correct forms of language, the others relate to communicating our ideas. So accuracy has spelling correctly, forming letters joining letters together, writing legiblly, punctiating, using corect layouts, choosing the right vocabulary, using grammar, joining sentences and using paragraphs. Also inlcude appropiate functions, to express our meaning, narrating, complaining, requesting, thanking, summarising, and concluding.
              1. Some important things also are Cohesion, logical organization, topic sentences and cohesive devices.
                1. First, Teacher may encourage students to think about why they are writing and who are they writing to , this helps them to focus on whta they want to say and how to say it (content, register and style. Then help learners practice accuracy in iwriting, labelling, copying, sentence completion, gap-filling, sentence transformation exercises, dividing text into paragraphs, putting punctuation or to correct it. Many activities exist to help learners practice communication through writing (invitation, articles or emails). This wants that the students use some models, teachers support and guide learners in their writings.
                  1. The process is: guide and support learners, plan the work, draft, edit, re-drafting and proofreading, to evaluate the ideas, organization and the accuracy of the language
          2. Definition
            1. Subskills
              1. Lesson pattern


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