how do cigarettes affect the body?


smoking and what it does to your body
Peter Hibbett
Mapa Mental por Peter Hibbett, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Peter Hibbett
Criado por Peter Hibbett aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

how do cigarettes affect the body?
  1. you will get blood clots due to the thickening of the walls increasing the chances of heart attacks and strokes
    1. smoking effects the lungs which means you will find it harder to breath
      1. when you stop smoking there are a lot of benefits afterwards
        1. one benefit is that you will feel a lot happier because
          1. another benefit is that the chance of you getting cancer is the same as a non smoker
            1. you will regain your sense of smell and taste
            2. the tar will coat your teeth in black gunk which will cause your teeth to rot and decay
              1. you can not buy cigarettes until you are 18 because the government want to reduce the amount of people dying of cancer due to smoking
                1. people who smoke also have a high chance of getting depression
                  1. cigarettes are addictive which is why people don't encourage smoking because it is hard to stop


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