It's said that God has no
grandchildren so it must
be your decision
Muslims believe that
everyone is born in
submission to Allah, if
someone becomes a
Muslim later in life the are
Religious experiences
Holy books
(sensing the
presence of God)
Design and Causation
Design - "Someone
must have designed
the universe"
Isaac Newton's
thumbprint theory
(every thumbprint is
William Paley's
watchmaker theory
(you wouldn't think
an intricate watch
was made by chance)
Causation -"There must
have been a first cause"
Only two possibilities:
1) the universe has
always existed 2) there
was a first cause
(which some believe I
However science suggest
evolution and the big
bang theory (alternate
first cause)
Musliums and Christians believe
that God is OMNIPOTENT (all
powerful), OMNISCIENT (all
knowing) and OMNI-BENEVOLENT
(all loving and compassionate)
The Origins of the World
The big bang theory
in which the
universe began in an
explosion of matter
and energy. It is
supported by the
evidence that the
universe is still
Evolution argues that life
evolved over millions of
years, humans evolved
form apes
Christian Ideas
According to Genesis Chapter 1 God
created everything. The process took
6 days in the order: Light and
darkness, the sky, land and plants,
sun and moon and stars, fish and
birds, land animals and people till on
the seventh day he rested
If the bible is taken literally
evolution is wrong and
humans descended from
Adam and Eve
Some Christians view
Genesis as a parable or
as symbolyic
In 1996 the Roman
Catholic Church
accepted the Big
Bang theory
Islamic Ideas
Is very similar to
Christian Genesis
however the Qur'an
states Allah formed
Adam from clay and
breathed life and a
soul into him and all
humans are decended
form Adam
Evil and Suffering
Types of Evil
Moral evil is suffering by
cruel actions of people e.g. war, rape and
torture. The person has a choice
Natural evil is suffering caused by the
world not humans e.g. disease, floods and
earthquakes. Howevr recent natural
disasters may have been influenced by
Cause people to question faith
They can't
believe a
good god
would allow
Prayers are unanswered
Roman Catholics often pray to
saints on behalf of God by
intercessory prayers
Other Christians and Muslims pray
directly to God and believe no sincere
prayer goes unanswered
God can't be all
powerful if he is unable
to prevent suffering
Christian Views
They teach that
evil entered the
world as a result
of Adam and Eve
giving into
temptation (the
original sin)
Humans have
free will to
choose right or
Suffering is
a test of
Evil is the devil
Islamic Views
It is a test of
humanity's free
will "We will
surely test you"
If we choose
against the will
of Allah we will
have to answer
on the Day of
Suffering should be
accepted as there will be
joy in the next life
Pray for forgiveness
(one of the 99 names
of Allah is The
Muslims work to help
others suffering
The devil (Iblis
or Shaytan)
tempts us
The problem of evil
Some Christians believe that
evil needs to be there for us to
have a choice or free will but
in the end all evil will become
Islam teaches
everything that
happens is Allah's plan
(not for us to question)
and evil gives people
the chance to do good
The Holocaust
Six million Jews died so
why did God allow it
Some Jews concluded there was no
God and others thought he didn't
care or was powerless
It was a test of faith
and demonstration of
free will
God wouldn't kill
Hitler as no one is
truly evil
Must keep practicing
Judaism or else Hitler
will have one
Songs of Praise
Views share experiences and
shows the relevance of
Christianity in peoples lives
Is interactive and build community
A deeper understanding
of Christianity
Islam is linked with terrorism
Atheist's Views
Programs like Professor Richard Dawkins
"The Root of All Evil" and his book "The
God Delusion"
He argued that a process of
non-thinking called faith leads to
intolerance, violence and destruction
A belief that it is
impossible to know if
God exists or not
Denial of the
existence of
When someone's life is
changed by becoming
a follower of God
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