Diomedes' Actions


Caleb Dumayne
Mapa Mental por Caleb Dumayne, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caleb Dumayne
Criado por Caleb Dumayne mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Diomedes' Actions
  1. Book 6
    1. During the lull in the fighting, Glaukos + Diomedes decide to duel
      1. He asks Glaukos to list the generations of his family to ensure that he is not about to try + duel a god in diguise
        1. The two find that there were once ties of friendship betwee their grandfathers
          1. According to heroic code, they must maintain these ties
            1. They vow to avoid fighting each other in the battles to come
              1. As a token of their newfound fellowship, they trade armour
                1. Diomedes comes out better off, as his bronze armour was only worth 9 oxen, but Glaukos' armour is worth 100 oxen
      2. Book 9
        1. When Agamemnon declares the war lost, he stands + says he will fight on even if everyone else returns home, as it is fated that Troy will one day fall
          1. This restores hope + confidence in the troops + they decide to fight on
            1. Shows that he is courageous + eager to win the battle, despite the current situation


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