Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving


Mapa Mental sobre Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, criado por Grace Cadena em 12-05-2020.
Grace Cadena
Mapa Mental por Grace Cadena, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Grace Cadena
Criado por Grace Cadena aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
  1. Barriers to Problem-Solving
    1. * Students problems = Teacher designs a better plan
      1. Cognitive Strategies
        1. Learning styles
          1. Learning preferences
            1. Mental Models
              1. Assumptions
                1. Real and perceived constraints and threats
              2. Tools for Problem-Solving
                1. 1. Animation Software
                  1. * Desing for all ages
                    1. Eg. Illustrative concepts
                  2. 2. Case Studies
                    1. *Focus on complex content
                      1. case for each group
                        1. present problems, and possible solutions
                    2. 3. Concept Maps
                      1. Design a Visual information
                        1. Determine relations with information
                      2. 5. Dialogue and Questions
                        1. Scaffold
                          1. develop by asking questions
                            1. prepare a discussion
                              1. write questions by online
                        2. 6. Digital Recordings (Audio and Video)
                          1. create in many devices
                            1. express and share ideas, opinions.
                              1. collect information (interviews)
                          2. 6. Flowcharts
                            1. structures diagrams
                              1. register information progress
                                1. E.g. Computer, Programmin- Use logical reasoning
                            2. 7. Geographic information system (GIS)
                              1. extensive Computer Program
                                1. Visualizae , Analize, Geographic Data
                                  1. oning new schoolE.g Prange Conty,Schools uses GIS for razn
                                  2. 8. Learning Contracts
                                    1. teachers and instructors
                                      1. explore problem-solving abilities for solutions
                                        1. E.G REsearch students use notecards to present topics
                                        2. 9. Mind Maps
                                          1. graphic representations
                                            1. dissert a content in a pieces
                                              1. E.g. support students to analize the parts of a topic
                                              2. 10. Peer Learning
                                                1. participants serveas advisors
                                                  1. explain a provide a feedback
                                                    1. Eg. Ss form groups and chek a problem-solving task
                                                  2. 11. Statistical Software
                                                    1. Software program
                                                      1. Perform quantitative data
                                                        1. Eg. users can identify the most appropriate statical test
                                                      2. 12. Three- Dimensional Modeling
                                                        1. specialized software
                                                          1. portrays a 3D model of an object
                                                            1. Eg. Assisst learners to understand design processes
                                                          2. 13. Virtual Reality Programs
                                                            1. involces waening eyepieces
                                                              1. Eg. educators acelerate problem-solving with virtual experiences
                                          2. 4. Databases
                                            1. free access for public web pages
                                              1. Government, MINEDUC
                                          3. Critical thinking
                                            1. 1. Bloom't Taxonomy (1956)
                                              1. Cognitive process
                                                1. Transition into higher-order thinking skills
                                              2. 2. Laxman, 2010; Nosich, 2011; Shah, 2010; Winch, 2006
                                                1. - Systematic approach:
                                                  1. - evaluates information
                                                    1. - develops viable solutions
                                                      1. - tests solutions: solves problems
                                                  2. " - Critical thnker's characteristics (Jonassen et al.,2003; Thompson, 2011)"
                                                    1. - creative
                                                      1. - curious
                                                        1. - simple answers are not enough
                                                          1. - multiple solutions
                                                  3. 3. Foundation for Critical Thinking (2007)
                                                    1. - Elder and Paul (2007)- Element standards:
                                                      1. 1. Generating puposes
                                                        1. 2. Raising questions
                                                          1. 3. Using information
                                                            1. 4. Using concepts
                                                              1. 5. Making inferences
                                                                1. 6. Making assumptions
                                                                  1. 7. Generating implications
                                                                    1. 8. Embodying a point of view
                                                      2. - Elder and Paul (2010)- Universal intellectual standards:
                                                        1. 1. Clarity
                                                          1. 2. Accuracy
                                                            1. 3. Precision
                                                              1. 4. Relevance
                                                                1. 5. Depth
                                                                  1. 6. Breadth
                                                                    1. 7. Logic
                                                                      1. 8. Fairness
                                                    2. Problem-solving
                                                      1. Process:
                                                        1. - Pose, test, refine solutions
                                                          1. - Gain deeper, personal comprehension of the concepts and issues
                                                            1. - Meaning-making
                                                        2. "Techniques Facilitate critical thinking reflection and meaning-making"
                                                          1. - Peer dialogue
                                                            1. - Questioning
                                                              1. - Journaling
                                                                1. - Think aloud
                                                                  1. - Presentation of solutions for others
                                                                    1. - Defending for the solution
                                                                      1. - Deconstructing the solution
                                                          2. Common model
                                                            1. 1. Define the problem
                                                              1. 2. Identify the root cause
                                                                1. 3. Develop alternative solutions
                                                                  1. 4. Choose a solution to test
                                                                    1. 5. Test solution
                                                                      1. 6. Evaluate result of testing
                                                            2. TASC Model
                                                              1. 1. Gather/ organize knowledge about the task.
                                                                1. 2. Identify what the task is.
                                                                  1. 3. Generate ideas about it.
                                                                    1. 4. Decide which the best idea is.
                                                                      1. 5. Implement the idea
                                                                        1. 6. Evaluate the idea.
                                                                          1. 7. Communicate tour idea
                                                                            1. 8. Learn from your experience


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