The descolonizing process


Mapa Mental sobre The descolonizing process, criado por Lydia Warrior em 17-05-2020.
Lydia Warrior
Mapa Mental por Lydia Warrior, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lydia Warrior
Criado por Lydia Warrior mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The descolonizing process
  1. The term colonization
    1. to refer the Process that took place in the twentieth century and affected the continents of Asia and Africa
    2. It was from 1945 when the decolonization ocurred in an irrepressible way
      1. it began in Asia Eastern
        1. Ended up in black Africa
        2. Phases
          1. Period between wars 1919-1945
            1. Former Muslim territories of the Ottoman Empire
              1. Administered as mandates under French-British tutelage
                1. Iraq
                  1. Jordan
                    1. Syria
                      1. Lebanon
                    2. Period of 1945-1955
                      1. Colonies east and south Asia were proclaimed independent
                        1. India
                          1. Pakistan
                            1. Ceylon
                              1. Burma
                                1. Malaysia
                                  1. Indonesia
                                2. Perios of 1955-1975
                                  1. North Africa and black Africa were decolonized
                                3. The decolonizing process
                                  1. did not ocurr in the same way in all territories
                                    1. The United Kingdom favoured the peaceful way
                                      1. It generallly renounced political sovereignty
                                        1. To safeguard and monetary ties
                                          1. It former colonies were integrated as members of the commonwealth
                                        2. It endowed its colonies progressively
                                          1. greater levels of self-goverment and political institutions
                                            1. Independence was proclaimed
                                        3. The revolutionary route
                                          1. Violence and the armed confrontations
                                            1. The colony
                                              1. The metropolis
                                              2. The Netherlands and Portugal
                                                1. Perdonified this route with
                                                  1. Indonesia
                                                    1. Angola
                                                      1. Mozambique
                                                    2. France a mixed model
                                                      1. It opposed the independence of Indo-China and Algeria
                                                        1. Accepted the mojority of the colonies in Africa peacefully


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