Curitiba, Brazil


sustainable living case study
Mapa Mental por laurenrbutler, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por laurenrbutler mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Curitiba, Brazil
  1. Facts
    1. located in southern Brazil
      1. population of 1.8million
      2. Aims for the city
        1. control urban sprawl
          1. reduce traffic in the CBD
            1. develop public transport
              1. preserve historic buildings
                1. ensure a high quality of life for residents
                  1. improve the environment
                  2. Social factors
                    1. 'The green exchange project'
                      1. poor families in squatter settlements can go to the neigbourhood centres once a week and exchange their rubbish for food or/and bus tickets
                      2. Average income is now 66% higher than the brazialian average
                        1. Money from industry goes to fund hospitals, schools and daycare centres
                          1. 'Citizen streets'
                            1. are in each district
                              1. are large yellow tubes which contain information about enployment, welfare, housing issues etc
                            2. Economic factors
                              1. The average person only pays 10% of their income on public transport
                                1. The public housing system created 50,000 homes either built new or refurbished
                                  1. this is ensured that everybody got an affordable house which was safe
                                  2. Concentration on non-polluting and high tech industry which has helped to achieve economic growth
                                  3. Environmental factors
                                    1. Bus rapid system
                                      1. saves 7 million gallons of fuel per year, as people are encouraged to use public transport
                                      2. Green exchange project
                                        1. the people who live in the squatter settlements cannot be accessed by rubbish trucks, so the people are encouraged to take their trash to the neigbourhood centres
                                          1. this reduces rubbish build up in rivers and pathways etc
                                        2. Curitiba recycles 2/3 of household water
                                          1. paper recycling saves 1200 trees per day


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                                        Imperialismo e Neocolonialismo
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                                        Questionário 1 - Introdução à Informática
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