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Social Influence (Complete)
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Mapa Mental por
Ruby Redford
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Ruby Redford
mais de 9 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Social Influence (Complete)
Normative Social Influence
Desire to be liked
Informational Social Influence
Desire to be right
Conform publicly but disagrees privately
Views of a group are taken on at a deep and personal level
Sherif (1935)
Laboratory experiment
Autokinetic effect
Group converged to common estimate
In an ambiguous situation informational social influence causes conformity
Asch (1951)
Line judgement task
Laboratory experiment
Seven confederates
32% conformed for each trial
75% conformed on at least one trial
Normative social influence caused conformity
Evaluation of Sherif and Asch
Lack ecological validity
Cannot be applied to other settings
Lack population validity
Cannot be generalised
Sherif's study lack internal validity to due natural of the task whereas Asch's was internally valid
Variations of Asch
Group Size
Conformity increase with the group size but only to four people
Non-conforming role model
One NCRM reduces conformity by 80%
Difficulty of task
Conformity increased with the difficulty of task
Giving answers in private
Conformity dropped when answers given in private
Zimbardo (1974)
24 male students from Stanford University
Random allocation
Guards given uniform (authority)
Called off after 6 days
Guards dehumanised
Conformed to social roles
Deindividuation of guards
Evaluation of Zimbardo
Some ecological validity
Collection of data
Lacks ecological validity
Ethical Issues
Informed consent
Right to withdraw
Protection from harm
Type of social influence involving a change in belief or behaviour in order to fit in with a group
Complying with an order from another person who has more power/authority
Real Life Examples of the Dangers of Obedience
Mai Lai Massacre
Vietnam War
March 1968
Hideout for North Vietnamese soliders
On Calley's orders the soldiers fired at hundreds of inarmed civilians
Calley was merely taking orders from his superiors and bore no direct responsibility for the massacre
Abu Ghraib
Physical, psychological and sexual abuse
Photos emerged
Committed by military police personnel of US Army
Instructed by persons in higher rank
Milgram (1974)
Tested the 'Germans are different' hypothesis
Character deficit - ready to obey people in authority
40 male participants
Shock generator
Participants were 'teachers' and confederates were 'learners'
Incorrect answers from the learner resulted in en electric shock
If the teacher refused to give these shocks, the experimenter would use a sequence of standardised prods
If Prod 4 was disobeyed, the experiment was terminated
Found that 100% of participants shocked to 300 volts and 65% shocked to 450 volts
Variations of Milgram
Legitimate authority
Lack of uniform and change of location reduces obedience
Two-teacher condition
92.5% shocked up to 450 volts when they could instruct a confederate to press switches
Touch proximity
Obedience fell by 30% when the teacher had to press the learners' hand to a shock plate
Social Support
Presence of confederates who disobeyed reduced obedience to 10%
Absent experimenter
Obedience fell to 20.5%
Evaluation of Milgram
Lacks experimental validity as participants wouldn't have believed they were administering real shocks
70% of participants believed they were administering real shocks
No ethical guidelines at the time
Replicated in other cultures
No precautions to protect participants from harm
A year later, 84% were glad they had taken part
Couldn't have possibly known how distressed participants would become
Participants were debriefed after the study ended
Lacks ecological validity
Later studies support the ecological validity
Holfing et al (1966)
22 nurses
Telephone call from a confederate 'Dr Smith'
Giving patient 20mg of Astrofen (imaginary drug)
Maximum dose of 10mg
Most nurses said they would not obey such an order in reply to a questionnaire
However 21 of the nurses complied without hesitation
Rank and Jacobson (1977)
Replicated Hofling's study
Administer Valium (real drug) at 3 times recommended level
Instruction from known doctor
Able to consult with other nurses before administering
2 out of 18 prepared the medication
Independent Behaviour
Individual doesn't respond to group norms. They see how others are behaving, but don't pay attention to this and are not influenced by it
Explanations for resisting pressures to conform
Giving answers in private
Non-conforming role model
Size of group
Explanations for resisting pressures to obey
Disobedient role model
Legitimacy of authority
Increasing sense of responsibility
Time to think and find social support
Locus of control
Sense of control people have over the successes, failures and events in their lives
Those who have high internal locus of control are more likely to behave against group norms as they believe that their actions cause the consequences
Oliner and Oliner (1988)
Two groups of non-Jewish people
406 protected and rescued Jewish and 126 had not
Those who rescued the Jews had internal locus of control
Blass (1991)
Variations of Milgram's study
Those with internal locus of control were more likely to act independently
Social Desirability may occur as it is easy to work out which answer gave an internallocus of control
Social Change
When society adopts a new belief that then becomes widely accepted as the norm
Moscovici (1969)
All female participants
Placed in group of 4 participants and two confederates
Shown 36 slides that were different shades of blue
Asked to state colour outloud
Two groups
Group 1 - confederates were consistent and answered green for all slides
Group 2 - confederates were inconsistent and answered green for 24 slides
1.25% of trials resulted in participants answering green
32% agreed with minority at least once
8.42% of trials resulted in participants answering green
Minority influence must be consistant
Clark (1994)
270 college students
Asked to play the role of jurors
Summary of a court case from Twelve Angry Men
Participants were persuaded most by consistent arguments
Minority group should be consistent, committed and flexible
Snowball effect
More people conform to minority which creates a majority opinion
Social cryptoamnesia
As ideas became more popular, the origins are forgotten
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