FOOD TECH - Product Development


food tech 2
Fran Hunt
Mapa Mental por Fran Hunt, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Fran Hunt
Criado por Fran Hunt mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

FOOD TECH - Product Development
  1. Why?
    1. To remain in business and retain a competitive position, companies need to produce new products, maintain or expand their market share and know what their competitors are producing. Aim is to supply consumers at a profit.
      1. Must be economically and technically viable
        1. Financial, technical and sales forecasting will be undertaken for new products to estimate the potential of the area
          1. Meeting user needs
            1. Recipe modification
              1. Reducing cost
                1. Scaling up
                  1. Enhancement (to presentation and taste)
                  2. Key areas:
                    1. Providing products with altered nutritional content
                      1. Increasing the variety of products avalible
                        1. Producing 'economy' lines
                          1. Appealing to the 'luxury' market
                            1. Maintaining and improving product quality
                              1. Producing 'convenience' foods
                              2. Failures
                                1. Why?
                                  1. No difference between new and old product
                                    1. Tough competition
                                      1. Unsatisfactory distribution
                                        1. Rising cost of ingredients, production and packaging
                                          1. Low profits
                                            1. Poor unattractive packaging
                                              1. Food scares
                                                1. Politics
                                                  1. Environmental concerns
                                                    1. Bad timing
                                                      1. Poor positioning on shelf
                                                        1. Too innovative
                                                          1. Ineffective advertising
                                                          2. Many products will not make it through to the final launch. For every 100 ideas approximately 10 products are launched, giving a 90% failure rate
                                                            1. A year later only one of these products will be on sale. In order to spread the financial risk a company is likely to have many products under development at the same time.
                                                            2. Product life cycle
                                                              1. The life of a product includes its time in development and the time it is in the market. Usually consists of: development; introduction; growth; maturity; saturation; decline.
                                                                1. To prevent a decline in sales, companies usually employ marketing tactics to boost sales such as: money off vouchers, limited edition varieties, new pack sizes, 'new' and 'improved' varieties. By doing this, sales of particular products can remain level for long periods of time.


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