Syllabus nocional-funcional


Aspectos característicos de un syllabus nocional-funcional
Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo
Mapa Mental por Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo
Criado por Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Syllabus nocional-funcional
  1. Methodology
    1. "This learning is based on the meaning of the language and the intention of the speaker" (Ayala, 2015, p. 10).
      1. Image taken from Miceli (2014, p. 8).
      2. "It is based on realities applicable to daily life and the true function that words fulfill" (Ayala, 2015, p. 10).
        1. Image taken from López A. (2016).
        2. "The teacher makes a list of communication functions for students to learn (greetings, values, tastes) "(Beltrán, 2015, p. 7).
          1. Image taken from Roquel (2015, p. 10).
            1. Image taken from Roquel (2015, p. 11).
            2. "Students learn how to use the language to express their own ideas and points of view" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 7).
              1. Image taken from Instituto Chapultepec (2020).
              2. "Total physical response" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 15).
                1. Video taken from La Teacher María (2018).
                2. "Communicative approach" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 15).
                  1. Video taken from Historia Master (2012).
                  2. "Natural method" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 15).
                    1. Video taken from Atlantic Kids & Atlantic School (2020).
                    2. "This methodology consists of bringing the language of words to reality, is to see what application the words in real life, how to relate words to what the speaker wants to express "(García Leyton, 2015, p. 8).
                      1. Image taken from Reyes Martínez (2015, p. 6).
                    3. Examples
                      1. "Shopping needs several language functions. These include: Asking prices, asking about characteristics of a price and haggling "(Ayala, 2015, p. 9).
                        1. Image taken from Ayala (2015, p. 9).
                        2. "Greetings and everyday expressions" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 15).
                          1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 15).
                          2. "A conversation between friends who go to the supermarket requires many linguistic functions of the English "(García Leyton, 2015, p. 7).
                            1. Image taken from García Leyton (2015, p. 7).
                            2. "Direct method" (Callejas Gaona, 2015, p. 8).
                              1. Video taken from Fekhardji (2012).
                            3. Strategies
                              1. "Analyze all the uses and synonyms of the verb to have" (Ayala, 2015, p. 11).
                                1. Video taken from Learn English with Vaughan TV (2017).
                                2. "Shopping role games in different places" (Ayala, 2015, p. 11).
                                  1. Video taken from Amigos Ingleses (2016).
                                  2. "Interactions, use of different materials, games, dynamics" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 17).
                                    1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 8).
                                    2. "Analyze the meanings and relationships of the different verbs" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 9).
                                      1. Video taken from Learn American English (2017).
                                      2. "Games and dynamics of dialogues between students" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 9).
                                        1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 8).
                                      3. Means
                                        1. "Humans, stationery, CD, movies, contextual" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 20).
                                          1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 6).
                                        2. Activities
                                          1. "Role games to greet, ask" (Ayala, 2015, p. 12).
                                            1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 7).
                                            2. "Deciding what to buy" (Ayala, 2015, p. 12).
                                              1. Video taken from ShareAmérica (2014).
                                                1. "Chips, songs, watching movies, word searches, role plays, dialogues" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 18).
                                                  1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 5).
                                                  2. "Dynamics and dialogues among colleagues" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 10).
                                                    1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 6).
                                                    2. "Practice a dialogue between classmates like the following: "(García Leyton, 2015, p. 10).
                                                    3. Student role
                                                      1. "The student learns to express his own ideas and points of view" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 19).
                                                        1. Image taken from Gómez Balaguera (2015, p. 7).
                                                      2. Role of the teacher
                                                        1. "The teacher prepares a list with expressions or notions to teach depending on the context and culture" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 19).
                                                          1. Image taken from Rodríguez Vargas (2015, p. 9).


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