TED Talk: This is what makes employees happy at work


Mind map about the ted talk: "this is what makes employees happy at work"
Jose Blanco
Mapa Mental por Jose Blanco, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jose Blanco
Criado por Jose Blanco mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

TED Talk: This is what makes employees happy at work
  1. If the employees of a comany are happy, the organization will have benefits:
    1. Three times revenue growth
      1. Three times stock market
        1. The employee turnover is less than other companies
        2. Ideas to create happy emploees
          1. Idea 01
            1. Trust and respect
              1. The leaders must empower their employees
            2. Idea 02
              1. Fairness
                1. They employees need to be treated the same
                  1. Regardless their rank, experience, tenure, age or category
              2. Ideas 03
                1. To be listened
                  1. A good listener must be humble, and search for the best idea
              3. New words
                1. Revenue growth: Increases the income
                  1. Stock market: Buying and selling of shares and investments in companies
                    1. Employee turnover: Rate at which companies has to replace workers who have left
                      1. Erodes: To gradually damage something
                        1. Tenure: Period of time in which someone has an important job
                          1. Stare: To look someone directly
                2. José Ignacio Blanco, Julio Romero, Gustavo Calderón


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