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Holl, The festival of colors,India.
Segundo Inglés Mapa Mental sobre Holl, The festival of colors,India., criado por Rodrigo Álvarez em 17-06-2020.
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Mapa Mental por
Rodrigo Álvarez
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Rodrigo Álvarez
mais de 4 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Holl, The festival of colors,India.
What does it commemorate?
This festival commemorates the victory of good over evil. Also marks the arrival of spring, full of hope.
When is it celebread?
The holi festival is celebrated on the first day of spring.
This festival started in 1885.
How does the celebration begin?
begins with the burning of Holika, this represents the death of evil
What they use?
Everyone loves to drink colorful water and dry colored powder
What else do they do during the holiday
People visit the homes of their friends and family and share sweets and other foods.
Anexos de mídia
Fechas De Holi Cuando Es Holi En 2019 2020 Y 2021 (image/jpeg)
Holika Quema En Cenizas En Holi Gate D5rp5t (image/jpeg)
Holi Festival India Vive De Primera Mano El Holi Festival Por Excelencia 800x360 (image/jpeg)
Images?Q=Tbn:A Nd9 Gc Qiga Kvq880er Jv4 Zx7 Sn Vs Ky6 I Zchs Lhl O Hr2 I D Ga E1k Scrak&Usqp=Cau (image/jpeg)
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