Sound Waves


Mapa Mental sobre Sound Waves, criado por Danielle McCulloch em 29-09-2013.
Danielle McCulloch
Mapa Mental por Danielle McCulloch, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Danielle McCulloch
Criado por Danielle McCulloch quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Sound Waves
    1. loudness (amp) - loud and quiet
      1. pitch(frequency) - high and low
        1. quality (wave form/shape) - simple and complex
            1. made of
              1. compressions
                1. Constructive
                  1. high pressure
                    1. speakers= pushed out
                    2. rarefractions
                      1. depression
                        1. destructive
                          1. low pressure
                            1. speakers= pushed in
                      2. FUNTIONS
                        1. transmit energy through a medium
                          1. go thru, around, and reflect off of things
                            1. hav constructive and destructive interference
                              1. similar to mechanical waves
                              2. TUNING FORKS
                                1. always vibrate at a specific frequency
                                2. OSILISCOPE
                                  1. PRESSURE/TIME GRAPH
                                    1. shows how pressure changes over a period of time
                                    2. Definition
                                      1. sound made by changes in pressure
                                      2. SOUND INTENSITY
                                        1. measure of the amount of sound reaching an area (1m2) in 1 s
                                          1. exact measurement verses perception(loudness)
                                            1. pW/m2
                                              1. sound intensity level - to the power of 10
                                                1. measured in the Bel (B)
                                                  1. or the decibel (dB)
                                                  2. intensity increases by factor of 10 = increases by 1B
                                                  3. conversions
                                                      1. 1B = 10pW/m2
                                                    1. VELOCITY OF SOUND IN AIR
                                                      1. HUMAN HEARING
                                                        1. 20 - 20 000 Hz range
                                                          1. dogs - 50 - 50 000 Hz range
                                                            1. infrasonic
                                                              1. ultrasonic
                                                                1. supersonic
                                                                  1. subsonic


                                                                  Wave Properties
                                                                  Asheena Vincent
                                                                  Tipos de Trabalhos Científicos
                                                                  Rebeca Sales
                                                                  Phrasal Verbs
                                                                  Alessandra S.
                                                                  GRAMÁTICA da LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA
                                                                  Viviana Veloso
                                                                  INCOMPLETO - Biologia e Geologia - Geologia 11º ano, parte IV - Ensino Secundário Português
                                                                  Heres Oliveira
                                                                  English - prepositions (at, in, on)
                                                                  Como começar um texto acadêmico?
                                                                  1º Lista de exercícios - Limites
                                                                  Professor José
                                                                  Direito Tributário - Revisão
                                                                  Maria José
                                                                  Revisão 1 - PROVA DE SARGENTO - MARINHA - EA-HSG - ( Com Verificação )
                                                                  Nilzeir Reis