

self-study tips
Nadine Larina
Mapa Mental por Nadine Larina, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nadine Larina
Criado por Nadine Larina aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. choose 1 main resource (theoretic)
    1. choose some extra resource for practice
    2. make a schedule
      1. make a study plan
        1. look through the structure of a book
          1. mark up a textbook chapter by chapter
        2. choose a deadline
          1. don't be a perfectionist
            1. go further when tired of current chapter
            2. ask a question to the chapter
              1. read 2-3 pages and check
                1. practice
                2. take a 15 min break every 1 hour
                  1. use forest or pomodoro


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