Writing a composition


Writing a composition
Nina Reibenschuh
Mapa Mental por Nina Reibenschuh, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nina Reibenschuh
Criado por Nina Reibenschuh quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Writing a composition
  1. Topic
    1. Your favorite place/monument of London...
      1. Description
        1. Adjetives to describe it physically
          1. Present simple
          2. What is its name?
            1. Where is it placed?
              1. Age?
                1. Past simple to say when it was built
                  1. Give your opinion
                    1. Like or not
                      1. Why?
                      2. Recommended or not
                        1. Why?
                  2. One day in London
                    1. Succession of events
                      1. First person singular or plural
                        1. Past simple and Past continuous
                          1. Adverbs to describe WHEN and HOW you went
                            1. Adjectives to describe WHAT you saw and did
                              1. Final conclusion and opinion
                                1. Like or not
                                  1. Why?
                                  2. Recommendations or pieces of advice


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