Mary I- Religion


A2 History Mapa Mental sobre Mary I- Religion, criado por BethanMayStevenson em 06-04-2015.
Mapa Mental por BethanMayStevenson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por BethanMayStevenson quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Mary I- Religion
  1. A lot of England was already Catholic
    1. especially in the North
      1. Altars, images and crucifixes were set up and traditional processions began
        1. 'all this came to pass without compulsion of any act, statute, proclamation or law'-R.Parkyn (Yorkshire priest)
        2. it was harder to reform England than first thought
          1. underestimation
            1. faced several problems
              1. the 'majority of her subjects were still fundamentally Roman Catholics and had been led astray by a majority which had previously enjoyed government support'-R.Tittler
              2. adherents remained in London and the South
              3. 'religion may now be recognised as once of the elements of Mary's appeal' C.Haigh
              4. operation of a reformed Church of England was enshrined in statute law
                1. Mary had to recognise statute law over devine law in order to repeal legislations
                  1. accepting parents divorce
                    1. massive personal knock
                    2. showed her commitment to faith
                      1. willing to make sacrifices
                        1. 'lived by her conscience and was prepared to die for her faith' A.Whitelock 2009
                      2. war of words
                        1. attempt to restore Catholicism
                          1. policy of censorship throughout Mary's reign
                            1. two of her earliest proclamation forbade the printing of seditious rumours (July 1553)
                              1. and the 'playing of interludes and printing of false fond books, ballads, rhymes and other lewd treatises... concerning doctrine in matters now in question'
                            2. an index was made of proscribed writers (i.e. those banned by the government)
                              1. before the end of her reign it was declared that the possession of treasonable books would lead to the death penalty
                                1. her second aspect to restoring Catholicism was to suppress Protestant written work
                                  1. hard to do this as it is
                                    1. estimated around 19,000 copies of the 1552 Prayer Book were still in circulation
                                    2. a lack of consistency hampered efforts to control literature
                                    3. the prosecution of 'seditious' writers did take place
                                      1. some attempt made to prevent book smuggling
                                        1. a number of sermons were sponsored as St. Paul's Cross in London
                                          1. pro-government writers such as Miles Hogarde (a London hosier) published tracts in defense of the regime
                                            1. Latimer and Ridley (imprisoned Protestant leaders in Oxford) could write letters and pamphlets from inside goal, which were often circulated outside
                                              1. many continued to openly write against her
                                            2. about 800 people (mostly from political elites) with their families and servants, went into exile in centers full of European Protestants
                                              1. many of these exiles took with them their printing presses
                                                1. used these to write against Mary and publish their work
                                                2. like Strasbourg, Geneva and Frankfurt
                                              2. reformation
                                                1. began operating causiously
                                                  1. led to a lack of priests
                                                    1. some imprisoned or asked to leave England
                                                      1. many had already left
                                                    2. some of the most prominent Protestant clergy (including 7 bishops) were deprived of their livings
                                                      1. over 25% of parish clergy in the diocese of London and Norwich were deprived
                                                        1. some reinstated if they divorced their wives
                                                          1. many were deprived for marriage in Ed VI reign
                                                    3. Duffy states Mary's reformation 'failed to discover the counter-reformation' and was also 'ineffective, half-hearted, complacent, unimaginative etc.'


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