Background To Mark's Gospel_2


GCSE Mind map for Background to St Mark's Gospel
Mapa Mental por mchugh.c, atualizado more than 1 year ago Mais Menos
Tom McAlinden
Criado por Tom McAlinden quase 10 anos atrás
Tom McAlinden
Copiado por Tom McAlinden quase 10 anos atrás
Copiado por mchugh.c quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Background To Mark's Gospel_2
  1. Gospel
    1. The word Gospel
      1. God
        1. Good
        2. Spell
          1. News
          2. Good News
          3. Written
            1. By Mark
              1. Written in Rome
                1. Around 64/65 AD
                  1. PEAP
                    1. Preserve the Word of God
                      1. Encourage believers
                        1. Explain Word of God
                        2. Accurate record of events
                          1. Authority
                          2. Persecuted Christians
                            1. Give hope
                              1. Rome
                        3. Oral Tradition
                          1. Stories passed by word of mouth
                            1. Lasted 30 years
                              1. From 33AD
                                1. Death of Jesus
                                2. To 65AD
                                  1. Writing of Mark's Gospel
                                3. Expectation of Paousia
                                4. Mark
                                  1. Who was he?
                                    1. No one knows
                                      1. Common name
                                        1. Not a disciple
                                        2. Close friend of Peter
                                          1. Interpreter?
                                          2. Strongly linked to disciples
                                            1. May have met Jesus
                                            2. Naked man at Gethsemane?
                                              1. Only mentioned by Mark
                                                1. At Jesus' arrest
                                              2. It is thought Mark's mother owned the House used for the Last Supper
                                                1. Became a meeting place for early Christians
                                              3. Sources
                                                1. Primary
                                                  1. Eye-witnesses
                                                    1. Word of God
                                                      1. Divine Inspiration
                                                      2. Peter
                                                        1. Disciple
                                                        2. Written accounts
                                                          1. Eye-witness
                                                        3. Secondary
                                                          1. Oral Tradition
                                                            1. Missionary journeys
                                                              1. Written accounts
                                                                1. Non eye-witness
                                                            2. Spread of Christianity
                                                              1. Centre of Christianity
                                                                1. Jerusalem
                                                                  1. Acts of the Apostles
                                                                2. Spread by
                                                                  1. Pilgrims
                                                                    1. Traders
                                                                      1. Paul and Barnabas
                                                                        1. Missionary journeys
                                                                        2. Romans
                                                                          1. Admired monotheism
                                                                            1. Followed Christian standards
                                                                              1. High morals
                                                                              2. Known as God-fearers
                                                                          2. Characterisics
                                                                            1. Not a biography
                                                                              1. Doesn't tell everything
                                                                              2. Contains Profession of Faith
                                                                                1. Uses certain points
                                                                                  1. To get a message across
                                                                                  2. Shows Jesus' humanity
                                                                                    1. Anger
                                                                                      1. Fear of death
                                                                                        1. Son of Man
                                                                                        2. Shows Jesus' Authority
                                                                                          1. Teaching
                                                                                            1. Healing
                                                                                              1. Overcoming death
                                                                                              2. Gave hope
                                                                                                1. Disciples' mistakes
                                                                                                  1. Lack of faith
                                                                                                    1. Abandoning Jesus
                                                                                                      1. Challenging Jesus
                                                                                                        1. Taught people to learn from these mistakes
                                                                                                        2. Importance of Jesus' Death
                                                                                                          1. Talks about his death early in the Bible
                                                                                                            1. Must be viewed WITH resurrection


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