Hormones and artificial control of fertility


Mapa Mental sobre Hormones and artificial control of fertility, criado por Rohii Mia em 02-10-2013.
Rohii Mia
Mapa Mental por Rohii Mia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rohii Mia
Criado por Rohii Mia aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Hormones and artificial control of fertility
  1. Name the hormones that control the menstrual cycle?
    1. Name all 4 hormones and their functions.
    2. How do oral contraceptives work?
      1. How is FSH used as a fertility drug?
        1. What is meant by fertility?
          1. The ability to produce and offspring
          2. What is meant by infertility?
            1. To not be able to have a baby.
            2. What is meant by an oral contraceptive/ contraceptive pill?
              1. A drug that is taken through mouth that reduces the chances of getting pregnant.
              2. Which hormone does the pill usually contain?
                1. Oestrogen
                  1. Why? (Think backwards. What is its function?)
                2. What is the effect of this hormone on the body?
                  1. Oestrogen slows down how much FSH is made.
                    1. If FSH, is not made at all.
                      1. Then no egg will mature
                        1. So can not get pregnant
                  2. What is the name of the other hormone which is not as effective but has even less side effects?
                    1. Progesterone (not as good as does not prevent eggs maturing.
                    2. Which hormone is usually given to women who struggle to have babies as they do not make enough female hormones?
                      1. FSH
                      2. What does IVF stand for?
                        1. In Vitro Fertilisation
                        2. What is IVF?
                          1. combining the egg and sperm in a petri dish, so fertilisation takes place outside of the body.
                          2. Which hormone is usually given to women having IVF?
                            1. Artifcial FSH
                              1. Stimulate the egg
                                1. triggers oestrogen production
                            2. How do hormones travel from the gland they are made in to the target organs?
                              1. In the blood
                              2. What is meant by a fertility drug?
                                1. a drug that stimulates ovaries to mature eggs


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