Drug Delivery and Absorption


Introductory Pharmacology Mapa Mental sobre Drug Delivery and Absorption, criado por Daniel Elandix G em 04-10-2013.
Daniel Elandix G
Mapa Mental por Daniel Elandix G, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daniel Elandix G
Criado por Daniel Elandix G quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Drug Delivery and Absorption
  1. Modes of Drug Delivery


    • Oral Pulmonary Per Rectal Intravenous Intramuscular Trnasfermal Opthamalic Subcutaneous
    1. Relationships


      • 1. Most Drugs are weak acid/bases 2. Most drugs are lipophilic
      1. Cell Membrane


        • As usual, made up of phosphobilipid layer
        1. Factors affecting drug access


          • Molecular size and shape Degree of ionisation Relative lipid solubility of the ionised and non-ionised forms Bind affinity to receptor (membrane transport) proteins Normally, uncharged ones are the ones that are usable due to the affinity to the lipophilic layer. Extracellular concentration.
          1. Methods of Traversal


            • Pinocytosis Passive Diffusion Filtration Active Transport
            1. Passive Membrane Transport


              • Ionization will affect and influence solublility and hence it is dependent on Ka and local pH
              1. pH in body


                • Urine : 5 Small intestine : 7.8 Duodenum: 6 Saliva: 6 Stomach 1.3 Serum/blood: 7.4 CSF: 7.35
                1. Henderson-hasselbalch
            2. Bioavailability


              • Degree of a drug becomes available to target tissue after administration Proportion of the administered dose that reaches the systemic circulation intact


              Autonomic Pharmacology
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              Drugs of Addiction
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              Site of Drug Action: Dose Responses
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              Drug Metabolism/Excretion
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              Pharmacology of Autocoids
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              Agonist and Antagonists
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              Adrenergic Mechanisms
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              Regulation of Neurotransmitter
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              H. Pylori and Peptic Ulcer Disease
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              Drug Targets, Receptors
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