No limits. They can impose up
to life, and no limit for fines
Aims of sentencing set out in the
Criminal Justice Act, s142
aims then further sub-categorised
repaying society,
community service
is to try and get something
back into society
i.e. fines, community service, compensation
helping the individual
this is to help the offender
i.e. rehab, psychiatric hold
'eye for an eye'
i.e. prison, tariff proportionate
sentence, death penalty (not UK)
society saying it's wrong/
behaviour is unacceptable
is to convince them further actions
i.e. reflect crime, prison, fines
deterrence: general + individual
IND: put people off from re-offending
GEN: to put society off of a crime
aim is to deter
to keep someone in
and away from people
i.e. prison, psychiatric hold, house arrest,
restriction orders
FACTORS the court will take
into account when sentencing
aggravating factors
(makes the sentence worse),
previous convictions, being
on bail when offence was
committed, on drugs
the seriousness of the offence
indictable, summary, trial
by either way, if it was
pre-planned, weapons,
multiples (bombing)
mitigating factors
(less serious sentence),
previous good character,
early guilty plea (reduces
sentence), illness, abuse as
a child, education
the Criminal Justice Act and the
Crime and Disorder Act sets out
the custodial sentences
fixed term
extended sentences
home detention curfew
mandatory life sentences
should be given where;
x2 or more people
murdered, murder of
child, murder for the
benefit of political or
religious cause
intermittent custody
where the defendant spends weekends
in prison but is free for the rest of the
week. Introduced by Criminal Justice Act.
suspended sentences
an adult offender given a suspended
prison sentence of up to 2yrs. This means
that the sentence does not take effect
immediately. If during this time the
offender does not commit, sentence will
not be served
discretionary sentence
manslaughter, rape, robbery; max sentence is life but judge does not have to impose it
extended sentences
s.85 of the Powers of
Criminal Courts Sentencing
Act gives the court the
power to pass an extended
sentence for a sexual/
violent offence
the offender is given a custodial sentence and a period
where at liberty on licence. The extension period cannot
exceed 10yrs for a sexual offence and 5 for a violent offence
fixed term sentences
set number of years,
i.e. theft - 7yrs
home detention curfew
Crime + Disorder Act allowed early release
from prison if they agree to a curfew
minimum sentences
mandatory life sentence where the offender
committed a second serious sexual/ violent offence
7yrs for anyone aged 18+ convicted of a
third offence of a Class A drug trafficking
3yrs for a third offence of burglary
Minimum Sentences
for drugs (Class A), min of 7yrs,
18+, caught 3 times, posession
and obstruction
for burglary, min of 3yrs, 3rd
time residential, max 14yrs
automatic life sentence for
murder, min life, also;
murder, manslaughter,
rape, sex with underage
purpose is to punish them
Community Sentencing
unpaid work requirement
work between 40-300 hours on project organised by
the probation service. Number of hours are controlled
by the court, worked in 8hr sessions on weekends
i.e. paint school buildings, build a play centre
prohibited activity requirement
allows a wide variety of activities to be prohibited. To
prevent the D from committing another crime
curfew requirement
ordered to remain at a fixed
address between 2-12hrs of a 24hr
period. Can last up to 6 months and
may be enforced by tagging
exclusion requirement
ordered not to go to
certain places. Up to 2yrs
supervision requirement
placed under supervision of probation
officer for 3yrs. Must attend appointments
Mag: max £5,000, can impose up to £20,000 under
certain regulations, i.e. health and safety at work
disqualification from driving
courts have the power to disqualify them from driving a
car. Length depends on seriousness. min 12 months