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The Roaring Twenties
This is just a revision resource I made for myself on this website, I thought I would share it just in case other people may want it.
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paper 2
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roaring twenties
Mapa Mental por
Jordan Clewlow
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Jordan Clewlow
quase 10 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
The Roaring Twenties
But foreign countries did the same to American goods, so the USA made less money from exports
Fordney-McCumber tariff - made foreign goods more expensive
American economy flourished
Republicans rejected the Treaty of Versailles
'America first' ideas - led to rejection of the treaty and Isolationism
Restricting the flow of Immigrants
A literacy test was introduced (1917 Immigration laws)
No Asian immigrants allowed in the USA
Only 375,000 (later only 150,000) were allowed in per year (Immigration quota act)
No. of immigrants entering the USA could not exceed 3% of immigrants already in the USA in 1910 (IQA)
Americans were worried about foreign immigrants taking their jobs and bringing communism
Mass Production
By 1928 20% of Americans had cars
By 1929 10 million radios had been sold
Producing goods quickly and cheaply so more people can buy them
Entertainment and social growth
Clubs and Jazz
Jazz music became very popular and accessable due to radios
More people went to clubs and drank due to relaxed social attitudes
Jazz music was a craze in the 20s
Both of these things became very popular especially in cities
Sports personalities became famous
Car ownership meant more people could go and see live sport
Because of the introduction of Raadios, sport became very popular
Socially active women were known as 'Flappers'
They wore short skirts, had bob haircuts, smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol
Womens role in the 1920s changed due to the work they did in WW1
Cars meant that cinema was more popular
Hollywood became a huge industry and films became extremely popular
Radios and therefore music became very popular
By 1929 10 million radios had been sold
Prohibition (The Volstead Act)
Introduced because alcoholism was a problem and because temperance groups campaigned for the ban
This law was often broken
People made 'moonshine' homemade alcohol which could be extremely dangerous to health
Speakeasies - illegal drinking clubs
Bootlegging (smuggling alcohol) became commonplace -40%+
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