Chapter 2 Drawing the Color Line


This is the first of my concept maps.
Mapa Mental por eathembeans, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por eathembeans quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Chapter 2 Drawing the Color Line
  1. Reasons for Using Slaves
    1. White slaves were much less common than black slaves.
      1. There was quite a bit of money in farming tobacco.
        1. Natives couldn't be enslaved, an alternative was needed.
          1. Natives usually died from sickness and exhaustion while working.
          2. Colonists didn't have enough manpower on their own.
          3. Facets of African Culture
            1. Poor climate habitability meant civilizations could rarely afford gigantic empires.
              1. Feudalistic, similar to European cultures.
                1. Largest source of slaves in history
                  1. Warlords and kings sold their own subjects to black slave traders.
                    1. African slave labor was less intensive than European slave labor.
                2. Treatment of Black Slaves
                  1. Black slaves were treated as property. Expensive property.
                    1. Compared to white slaves, black slaves were often abused.
                      1. Slaves were given little to no pay or leisure time.
                        1. Slaves were often worked to death.
                          1. Slaves were measured in how hard they worked, with prices adjusted accordingly.
                          2. Products of America
                            1. Corn
                              1. Valuable spices
                                1. Tobacco
                                  1. Land
                                    1. Personal/religious freedom
                                    2. Reaction to the state of black slaves
                                      1. Racemixing was punished by flogging.
                                        1. Indifference on their plight from religious institutions.
                                          1. Slave owners either treated their slaves well but as lessers, or as property to be punished as the owners saw fit.
                                            1. No outrage was found on most people's part, since the slaves were acquired "legally"
                                              1. In times of strife, racial tensions lessened.


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