Nagra uses phonetic spellings in places to
represent 'Punglish' - English spoken in a
Punjabi accent. This increases the number of
'd' and 'v' sounds in the song, and creates an
alliterative, rhythmic effect
Lots of rhyme, expected in song form. It doesn’t follow a regular
pattern, in the same way that the structure is irregular. It is usually
end rhyme, and the 'ee' sound of "chapatti", "chutney" and
"Punjabi" tends to dominate. gives swing to the poem and speeds
up the metre. near the end, rhyme disappears, slowing down the
metre appropriate to initimatefeeling of the most affectionate
section of the poem.
cat and mouse metaphor, wife is on possible
dating site. The men she is catching are both
mice, which she is playing with as a cat might.
metaphors to describe bride are
unexpected. Neither the "tiny eyes ov a gun"
and the "tummy ov a teddy" sound
particularly attractive, but it is clear that he
loves her. They also tell us a lot about his
wife: using the comparison of the gun tells
us she's assertive, but "teddy" suggests
affection and softness.
"all di colours of Punjabi" draws on the idea
of colourful language, but it also suggests the
idea of variety, and that behind the stereotype
of the Indian immigrant, there are many
different individual lives.
Attitudes and Ideas
challenges stereotypes and expectations of certain races
wife breaks expectations
wife's punk appearance, with a
"red crew cut" and a "Tartan
swears at his mother
do not prejudge people
checking out me history
Both poems use non-standard
spelling to suggest an accent for
the voice of the narrator.
These narrators both bring the voices
of others into their poetry - in Checking
Out Me History it's the authority behind
'dem' and in this poem it's the voice of
the complaining customers.
Although both these poems
challenge assumptions, Singh Song!
is not as obviously political as
Checking Out Me History
Brendon Gallacher
There's repetition in both of these
poems, which helps create rhythm
and a distinctive voice.
Both are love poems to another 'half'.
There's a lot of humour in both
poems, but in the end Singh
Song! is joyful, whereas the
Brendon Gallagher has a sad