Religion and Science


Can religion and Science co-exist
Jason Edwards-Suarez
Mapa Mental por Jason Edwards-Suarez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jason Edwards-Suarez
Criado por Jason Edwards-Suarez mais de 9 anos atrás

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Religion and Science
  1. Science
    1. Stephen Hawking
      1. Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking recently confirmed that he is an atheist who believes in science rather than God. "Before we understood science, it was natural to believe that God created the universe, but now science offers a more convincing explanation,"
      2. Evolution instead of creationism
        1. Charles Darwin
          1. Life developed naturally. We have physical evidence of this.
          2. Richard Dawkins
            1. "Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence."
              1. "Religion is capable of driving people to such dangerous folly that faith seems to me to qualify as a kind of mental illness."
                1. "A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence."
                  1. "The God of the old testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all of fiction: Jealous and proud of it, a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak; a vindicative, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a mysoganist, homophobic, racist, infanticidial, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomassochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." The God Delusion
                  2. Arguments against religion
                    1. There is no physical proof of any of the Bible being true. There is no "legitimate" documented evidence of any of the acts done in the bible aside from some of the people in the Bible existing
                      1. Paradoxical evidence to disprove God
                        1. Omnipotence
                          1. God has the ability to live for ever. Eternal life. However, that means that he can not die and he doesnt have the ability to kill himself
                            1. Can God make a rock that nobody can break. If so then he cannot break it thus he is not omnipotent. If not then he cannot do something and thus is not omnipotent.
                            2. Omniscience
                              1. If God knows everything, then he can not forget because the moment he forgets, he doesn't know everything. However, if God cant forget, he then doesnt know how to remember or recollect. If he can't recollect. then there is something he doesn't know- he doesnt know how it feels to recollect or remember something.
                          2. Peter Atkins
                            1. Atkins is a well-known atheist. He has written and spoken on issues of humanism, atheism, and the incompatibility of science and religion. According to Atkins, whereas religion scorns the power of human comprehension, science respects it.
                              1. Religion is "a fantasy", and "completely empty of any explanatory content. It is also evil"
                          3. Religion
                            1. St Thomas Aquinas
                              1. The cosmological argument
                                1. Everything has a cause. There must have been a first cause, this cause is God
                                2. "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible."
                                3. William Paley
                                  1. The teleological argument
                                    1. The Universe appears to have been made by design. Design must have a designer and that designer is God.
                                      1. Can be closely linked to Genesis which shows God forging the Universe and designing it
                                    2. Genesis
                                      1. Shows God creating the World
                                        1. Animals such as Humans did not evolve from other animals, instead we were made by God in his image and thus have not evolved since
                                        2. Arguments against science
                                          1. If “religion” is to be held culpable for the Inquisitions and the jihads, “science” is certainly no less culpable for the historical ravages of scientific socialism, the gassings of World War I, the National Socialist Holocaust, the fire-bombings of Tokyo and Dresden and the American abortion atrocity, to say nothing of the possibility of nuclear devastation as well as the inconvenient perils of global warming.
                                            1. Use of genealogy given in the bible points to creation 6000 years ago, not millions.
                                              1. Bishop Ussher pinpoints Creation at 4004 B.C. Using biblical chronology, Archbishop James Ussher of Ireland calculates that the creation of Heaven and Earth took place in 4004 B.C. Biblical passages provide Ussher with clues to the number of human generations -- and hence years --since Adam and Eve. This date of 4004 B.C. is then used for 200 years in English editions of the Bible.
                                              2. Nothing but theories. There is no definitive way to prove science as we can never test every single possibility.
                                                1. We can only make possible conclusions rather than definitive conclusions
                                                  1. It is impossible to know if all metals have a melting point as we are still discovering new minerals such as metal. Religion could argue that all of our theories can still be disproven however we are unaware of the evidence at the moment
                                                2. Ken Ham
                                                  1. “The devastating effect that evolutionary humanism has had on society, and even the church, makes it clear that everyone—including Christians—needs to return to the clear teachings of Scripture and Genesis and acknowledge Christ as our Creator and Saviour. In fact, Genesis has the answer to many of the problems facing the compromising church and questioning world today.”
                                                  2. Swinburne
                                                    1. Scientists can discover, define and explain laws but they can never explain the most fundamental laws.
                                                  3. Both religion and science can co-exist
                                                    1. Stephen Jay Gould
                                                      1. Paleontologist
                                                        1. According to Gould, science and God are inherently divided and thus can easily co-exist in the human belief system. Science, he argues, answers questions of fact, while religion covers questions of morality.
                                                        2. Stuart Burgees
                                                          1. Scientist who has helped to develop and design space rockets
                                                            1. Believes creationism is the best answer
                                                          2. John Poklinhorne
                                                            1. Is the bible taken too literally with Genesis
                                                              1. Could God have caused the Big Bang and the next week of Genesis is the story of evolution. The seven days of Genesis could simply be a time frame used to make it easy for us to understand and creation actually took billions of years.
                                                              2. An Anglican priest who published five books on physics and 26 on the relationship between science and religion
                                                                1. "Those theologians who are beginning to take the doctrine of creation very seriously should pay some attention to science's story."
                                                                2. "To search for truth but limit the places you are willing to look is a very illogical place to start."
                                                                  1. Christianity doesn't disagree with evolution, it disagrees with evolution being the start of life. Darwin and his finched in the Galapagos are something which both science and religion can agree on.
                                                                    1. Keith Ward
                                                                      1. "The real question is not whether religion is compatible with science, but whether it tackles questions science ignores"


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