The Bible is quite straightforward and you can sum up the main Biblical views with a few quotes such as: - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."- "[homosexuals are] sexually immoral"- "they will not inherit the kingdom of God" - 1 Corinthians 6:9
Quakers see God in everyone and that
leads us to say that all committed loving
relationships are of equal worth and so
Quakers in Britain wish to celebrate
them in the same way.
"Quakers have been
celebrating same-sex
relationships as marriages
within our faith community
since 2009 and are delighted
to see the law catch up."
since 2009 quakers have
been celebrating and
accepting marriage
between two people of the
same sex
- "Do not lie with a man as one lies with
a woman; that is detestable." Leviticus
Traditionally, Christians have
condemned homosexual sex as
immoral. Main reason
for doing so has been the teaching of
the Bible, which takes a very negative
view: Homosexual sex is to be
punishable by death (Leviticus 20:13).
Some Christians have also argued
that homosexuality is wrong
because it contradicts the order of
God’s creation. God made humans
as man and woman, so that they
could be partners together (Genesis
2). Therefore, homosexuality seems
to be unintended.
Again, some liberal Christians
take a more positive view.
Controversially, in 2003 an
openly gay man, Gene Robinson,
was made Anglican archbishop
of New Hampshire (USA). Some
in the Church of England argue
that loving homosexual
relationships are acceptable.
on the 30th of march in 2014 at midnight same sex marrigaes in England and wales because legal
Jewish, Christian, Sikh and Muslim cultures have
generally perceived homosexual behaviour as
sinful. Many Jewish and Christian leaders,
however, have gone to great lengths to make
clear that it is the homosexual acts and not the
homosexual individuals or their "orientation" that
is condemned
Sex and marriage
Early Christian views
Philo referred to women as
"instruments of evil" who corrupt
men. Without women, he said, men
would be rational creatures.
Sex outside marriage = evil.
Modern Christian views
Marriage is about love, honour, Remain faithful -
"til death us do part".
As ever, sex outside marriage is wrong. Sex should also stay part of the emotional and personal
commitment that marriage entails - the two shouldn't be separate.
Marriage is a gift from God, and nothing less.
The Bible regards marital ( sex between a married couple) sex as normal and moral behaviour.
Saint Paul says that marriage “is no sin” (1 Corinthians 7)
Ten Commandments (“You shall not commit adultery” Exodus 20).
The Roman Catholic Church
clear teaching on this: “every
genital act must be within the
framework of marriage”.
A vow cannot be broken
marriage is an eternal bond. remarriage to some may be viewed as spiritual adultery.
Jesus said anyone marrying a divorced woman commits adultery (Matthew 5).