UNIT 4: Looking For Meaning


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Resumo de Recurso

UNIT 4: Looking For Meaning
  1. Religious teaching on prejudice/discrimination
    1. Islam
      1. Learn from Muhammad's example (e.g. respect for women)
        1. Ummah (brotherhood) crosses national/racial boundaries
          1. At prayer, men stand together, equal before Allah
            1. Women have rights and protection e.g. no sexual harassment
            2. Christianity
              1. Example of Jesus (e.g. lepers, outcasts) and his teaching (e.g. Good Samaritan)
                1. 10 commandments give guidance on living in harmony together
                  1. Jesus did not discriminate against women
                    1. Women can be priests
                    2. Both
                      1. All people equal Prejudice is unacceptable
                        1. Men and women equal before God/Allah
                      2. Attitudes to Wealth
                        1. Muslim
                          1. Wealth a gift from Allah
                            1. Not wrong to be wealthy; more wealthy, the more you should be generous
                              1. Pay 2.5% cash wealth (ZAKAH)
                                1. Voluntary payments (SADAQAH) to charity encouraged
                                  1. No gambling, no lending for profit, no dishonest means to get money
                                  2. Christian
                                    1. Money is not the most important thing
                                      1. Material wealth to be shared with others
                                        1. True giving should involve sacrifice/personal cost
                                          1. How you make your money is a important as what you do with it e.g. no lending for profit, not gambling, no unfair methods
                                            1. Many churches are against gambling and national lottery


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