Constitution Era


Travel back in time with this extraordinary mind map that will help you study for your history exams.
Cora McMahon
Mapa Mental por Cora McMahon, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Cora McMahon
Criado por Cora McMahon quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Constitution Era
  1. powers of govermnet
    1. Legislative Executive Judicial
    2. U.S constitution
      1. Ratifications
        1. federalist
          1. federalist paper
        2. principles
          1. 7 principles
          2. constitutional convention
            1. Great Compromise
              1. virginia plan
                1. New Jersey plan
              2. 3/4 Compromise
            2. articles of confederation
              1. accomplishments
                1. NW ordinance 1787
                2. weaknesses
                  1. no taxing power
                    1. no elective
                      1. shays rebellion
                        1. No national court system


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