cultural approach to communication (Carey, 1992)


Mapa Mental sobre cultural approach to communication (Carey, 1992), criado por annieang900415 em 13-05-2015.
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Resumo de Recurso

cultural approach to communication (Carey, 1992)


  • 总结杜威的传播观思想对凯瑞的影响主要有这些方面: 第一,传播是一种共享、是一种沟通,而不仅是表达; 第二,传播创建符号和意义,通过符号和意义建构和维系社会; 第三,传播建构社会,而不仅是描绘和反映这个社会; 第四,传播是一种共同参与的社会实践,一种生活中无时不在的实践过程。 这决定了凯瑞研究的核心--社会的、共享的、共同体形式的传播观    
  1. transmission model of communication
    1. Defined by terms “imparting” “sending” “transmitting” “giving information to others”
      1. 控制为目的信息传递Communication was viewed as a process and a technology, spread, transmit, and disseminate knowledge, ideas, and information farther and faster with the goal of controlling space and people


        • sometimes for religious purpose,  这类传播主要研究的是信息在空间的传递,是一种为了控制的目的进行的信息传递。     
      2. dominated American but exhausted in terms of behaviour and functional terms
        1. metaphor of geography or transportation
          1. 问题所在 derangement drives from an obsessive commitment to a transmission model and derivative representation of communication in complementary model of power andanxiery


            • 社会对传播的普遍兴趣来自传播与社会模式中存在着的紊乱,它来自对传递观的迷恋以及在权利与焦虑模式中传播所派生的表征,结果一想到社会,我们总是受传统d饿影响,把它看作是一张有权力,管理,决策与控制结成的网,也就是把社会shi为一种政治次序,或者w哦们从根本山把社会看作是所有权,生产与交易的关系-也就是把社会视为一种经济秩序,但是,社会生活不只是权利与交易,它也包括了对美学体验,宗教思想,个人价值与情感以及学术观念的分享-及仪式秩序
          2. ritual view of communication


            • 时间上对一个社会的维系,不是分享信息的行为,而是共享信仰的表征
            1. Defined by terms such as “sharing” “participation” “association” “fellowship”, and “the possession of a common faith”
              1. 文化共享过程communication is toward the maintenance of society in time and representation of share beliefs.


                • communication is directed not toward the extension of messages in space but toward the maintenance of society in time; not the act of imparting information but the representation of share beliefs. 传播的"仪式观"则把传播看作是文化共享过程,它并非直接指信息在空间上的扩散,它主要是指传播如何在时间上来维持一个社会   
              2. based on Deway's work
                1. communication is mainly about sharing and participation; problems of communication are linked to problems of community, to problems surrounding the kinds of communities we create and in which we live.


                  • 1. 传播是一种共享思想 2. 传播d饿问题与社会问题有关,与围绕着w哦们创造并生活在其中的社会性质有关
                2. symbolic production of reality


                  • 现实的符号生产 Communication is a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and transformed.
                  1. 1. a real world of objects, events, and processes that we observe. 2. there is a language or symbols that name these events in the real world and create more or less adequate descriptions of them


                    • 常识与科学现实主义d欧证明这样一个事实:1. 存在着一个我们可观察d饿客体,事件与过程的真实世界。2存在着一种命名真实世界中这些事件并或多或少能描述这些事件d饿语言或符号
                    1. communication- in short, the construction, apprehension, and utilisation of symbolic forms.


                      • 传播,通过符号形态的建构。理解与利用创造l饿现实,并使现实成为一种存在
                  2. Summary: 总结杜威的传播观思想对凯瑞的影响主要有这些方面 第一,传播是一种共享、是一种沟通,而不仅是表达; 第二,传播创建符号和意义,通过符号和意义建构和维系社会; 第三,传播建构社会,而不仅是描绘和反映这个社会; 第四,传播是一种共同参与的社会实践,一种生活中无时不在的实践过程。 这决定了凯瑞研究的核心--社会的、共享的、共同体形式的传播观
                    1. 两种传播观没有彼此否定 a ritual view dose not exclude the processes of information transmission or attitude change. it emphasis that people need cast within an essentially ritualistic view communication and social order.


                      • 仪式观点并不排除信息传递或态度改变过程,他只是主张除非人们从本质上对传播与社会次序采用仪式性的观点,否则他们就无法正确理解这些过程。


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