Action verbs


Mapa Mental sobre Action verbs, criado por Karen Noemí Rodriguez Rivera em 07-11-2020.
Karen Noemí Rodriguez Rivera
Mapa Mental por Karen Noemí Rodriguez Rivera, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Karen Noemí Rodriguez Rivera
Criado por Karen Noemí Rodriguez Rivera quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Action verbs
  1. How to understand and use the verb "to get" 1.- to get + somebody 2.- get somebody 3.- get something for somebody
    1. Example: i came down this morning to get the newspaper
    2. Are those that express the actions that the "subject" executess
        1. The Time
          1. What time is it?
            1. It's three o'clock
            2. More formal expressions to indicate whether a time is before noon or after are a.m.
            3. Time Expressions
              1. Example: on Monday. On the weekends (en los fines de semana). On Sunday. At night (por la noche). In the evening. 1.-You study on the weekends,
                1. Definition: a noun is a word that refers to person, an animal, a place, a feeling, our an idea.(man, dog, house)
                  1. Leisure Activities
                    1. They are used to describe activites in their spare time (leisure ativity words) Go camping, Go fishing. Go for a bike ride. Go for a walk
                  2. Daily Routines Vocabulary
                    1. Go to bed
                      1. Go to school
                        1. Have breakfats
                          1. Take a shower
                            1. wash your face


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