Modern history of environmental movement


Mapa Mental sobre Modern history of environmental movement, criado por Benjamin Sol Hay em 17-05-2015.
Benjamin Sol Hay
Mapa Mental por Benjamin Sol Hay, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Benjamin Sol Hay
Criado por Benjamin Sol Hay aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Modern history of environmental movement
  1. UN conferance on the human environment, stockholm 1972
    1. Greenpeace and friends of the earth
      1. United Nations environment programme
        1. world conservation strategy
      2. UN earth summit, Rio 1992
        1. post-Rio
          1. World Summit, Johannesburg
            1. Bali 2007
      3. Green political parties
        1. Stockholm 1972
          1. Club of Rome: computer simulation
            1. The limits to growth
              1. First attempt to predict future of earth with a computer simulation
                1. unofficial conferance: various non-government organisations (NGO's)
            2. Stockholm declaration
              1. safeguard of natural resources
                1. renewable resources must be maintained
                  1. wildlife must be safeguarded
            3. greenpeace
              1. founded 1971
                1. 2.5 million members
                  1. gew out of anti-nuclear weapons testing
                    1. based in Amsterdam
                      1. operates in 45 countries
              2. friends of the earth
                1. radical direct action groups
                  1. Sea shepard
                    1. founded in 1977
                      1. boarding of vessels, cutting of nets, shining lasers at fisherman
                      2. earth first
                        1. founded 1980
                          1. inspired by silent spring
                            1. no compromise
                              1. various acts of sabotage and occupation
                    2. Green political divide
                      1. realos
                        1. Fundos
                        2. Agenda 21
                          1. Kyoto 1997


                            Princípios Administrativos (implícitos)
                            Simulado Fuvest
                            Alice Sousa
                            HISTÓRIA DA EDUCAÇÃO NO BRASIL
                            FATORES NEUROPSICOLÓGICOS (anexo neuropsicologia)
                            Lorena S. Sousa
                            Temas mais cobrados em Química
                            Marina Faria
                            Fontes e princípios do direito do trabalho
                            Natthan Réryson
                            Mapas Mentais em Sala de Aula
                            Alice Sousa
                            Normas Regulamentadoras de Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho (NR)
                            Edson Baal
                            Números e Operações (Fundamental)
                            Andre Gonçalves
                            Exercícios- Tipos de Reprodução
                            Andrea Barreto M. Da Poça
                            Contextualização Aula 02 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
                            Jéssica Meireles