natural/trad science has 5 key
ideas: aims search laws, discover
c&e relationships, aims base laws
on objective facts via verification, to
obtain facts must examine actual
observable phenomena -
empiricism, aims objective and
value free - although idealised
positivism as illustrated Durkheim
suicide study, argues poss/desirable
apply logic and meths of nat sci to
study of soc, objective knowledge
gained this way basis solving soc
problems/achieving progress, early
positivists inductive approach -
theories develop from obs/further
obse verify theories, in soc deal
people, including researchers may
contaminate research - use meths
allow max objectivity/detachment eg
quant meth = experiments, Qs,
structured interviews, OS
key assumptions positivism:
individuals constrained soc forces,
Durkheim says soc study soc facts -
measured objectively eg suicide
rates, soc should aim discover c&e -
laws govern human behaviour, use
of quant meths create reliable data -
should study
measurable/observable data and
examine correlations between
interpretivism argues soc can't be
studied same way nat sci as subject
matter fund different, people free
will/exercise choice, individuals not
puppets on string manipulated by
external soc facts as positivists believe
but are autonomous and constuct own
soc world through meanings given to it,
job sociologist uncover meanings and
focus way individuals interact each other
key assumptions interpretivism: humans have
consciousness, interpret meanings make sense
world, behaviour not product external soc but
interpretations give to events, soc is product human
interactions, soc should explain/understand how
make sense situations via verstehen, use qual meths
create valid data allows researcher see world as
subjects do eg PO, UIs and expressive docs
many soc have questioned idealised view
science as science itself criticism because
objectivity demanded by scientific RM is
diff to achieve even when subject matter
not human, because: scientists humans so
have values/make assumptions, scientists
carry out work in orgs - funding impact
research, scientists have status/soc
standing to consider, scientists don't eant
rock boat as career prospects to consider
huge diff between what scientists and scientific meths nat sci
claim be about/actually happens eg Thalidomide scandal
1960s, Popper believed meths nat sci could be applied soc
sciences but that true science = deductive meth not inductive,
deductive = start hyp and experiments test this against ev,
keep testing if confimed assumed true new theory developed
to explain phenomena, however Popper argues sociologists
should falsify rather than support, science unique form
knowledge due falsification
as can't know anything w/ absolute certainty isn't poss
produce laws true for all time, longer theory stands test
time more likely is be true, supported by Hawking
(1988) 'no matter how many times results exp agree
theory you can never be sure that next result won't
contradict it'
Kuhn - normal science differs from idealised
view science because operates within paradigm,
paradigm shared by scientists shapes way see
world studied, paradigm sets out appropriate
meths for study and specifies what Qs scientists
should ask, when work within paradigm try look
data that supports it, tend adopt paradigm
uncritically but anomalies gradually build
confidence, paradigm declines and argument
ensues, formulate rival paradigms start of
scientific revolution, move one paradigm to
another = massive shift mindset and new
paradigms generally gain support from younger
scientists as nothing to lose in terms reputation
Kuhn believes scientists blinkered - don't
see alternative views/reject evidence
doesn't fit, doesn't believe scientists
objective, science doesn't evolve gradual
accumulation of knowledge -
revolutionary, change occurs one
paradigm replaced by another, normal
science resumes until next rev, soc can't
be seen as science - it's pre-paradigmatic
Kaplan distinction between
meth scientists claim use
and meths actually use,
illustrated by scientists who
dismiss ev from
experiments which
contradict their hypotheses,
in 1998 editor british
medical journal claimed
only 5% published articles
reached min level scientific
soundness - many clinical
trials too small/most
published studies pos ones
with neg evidence hidden
Gomm argues science itself relative,
uses Darwin's evolutionary theory
illustrate this, believe theory only
accepted Victorian England because
fitted ideas of time eg survival of
fittest and nat selection - helped
explain why Britain ruled world and
upper classes were in privileged
realists argue diffs between
soc and nat world by soc
science = still possible,
Bhaskar states in soc and nat
world underlying
structures/mechs aim of
realism uncover/explain
these, much of soc is
scientific this view, marxism
scientific as sees underlying
structures eg cap producing
effects eg poverty, Sayer
argues in scientific study
there are open/closed
systems: closed (eg lab) all
variables controlled
measured and open (eg
meteorology) where not all
var can be controlled and no
precise predictions made
realists believe possible
explain open
behaviour terms
structures/mechs, in
science underlying mechs
may be unobservable eg
pressure fronts in
meteorology, science
must go beneath surface
whereas in soc aim
uncover underlying soc
structures/mechs eg
patriarchy, using this
definition soc can be
pomo critical idea of scientific
soc, beacuse regard nat sci as
metanarrative claiming to have
monopoly of truth, instead
knowledge soc constructed and
relative hence no truth only
truths, fem equally critical soc as
science arguing patriarchal
upholding malestream values
argue quant scientific methods
favoured positivists oppressive
and can't capture reality women's
experiences hence emergence
fem methodology
Beck argued science hasn't
always led progress that
positivists believed it would,
with emergence of risk soc we
witnessed scientifically created
dangers eg global warming
undermines idea science
inevitably benefits humankind
debate as to whether soc can or should be
science is dependent upon definition of science,
McNeil states that if accept realist def of science
then a lot of soc = science
is science a myth, considerable
debate as to whether nat sci
actually follows scientific principles,
how can science be criticised for
failing match up scientific ideals if
true nat sci themselves fail achieve