Demonstrative adjectives


Octavo Inglés Mapa Mental sobre Demonstrative adjectives, criado por Bella Torres em 27-11-2020.
Bella Torres
Mapa Mental por Bella Torres, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bella Torres
Criado por Bella Torres mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Demonstrative adjectives
  1. This
    1. Use for Singular
      1. A person, animal or thing is close to you
        1. This officer shows how did they work time ago.
      2. These
        1. Use for Plural
          1. Some people, animals or things are close to you.
            1. These girls are the dog's owner.
          2. That
            1. Use for Singular
              1. A person, animal or thing is far from you
                1. That kid is taking out a book from the bookshelf.
              2. Those
                1. Some people, animals or things are far from you.
                  1. Those children are friends.
                  2. Use for Plural
                  3. Grammar structure
                    1. D. adjective
                      1. Noun


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