SP machine


mind map
Alex Alexandr
Mapa Mental por Alex Alexandr, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alex Alexandr
Criado por Alex Alexandr quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

SP machine
  1. Content management
    1. Create content for email series
      1. Create email design
        1. Create html coding
          1. Send schedule
        2. Prepare Offers/Links
          1. Infrastructure
            1. Experiments
              1. Add inactives to lower CR
              2. Segment by
                1. Site
                  1. Country
                2. Tracking
                  1. Redirects tracking


                    • by user_id, campaign_id
                    1. Conversion report
                    2. sender/unsubscribe
                      1. show real sender/address
                        1. use external domain for redirects/unsubscribes
                        2. Infrastructure
                          1. Step1
                            1. Step2
                              1. Step3
                                1. VPS
                                  1. 2 New Domains
                                    1. Product Subdomain/IP
                                      1. Images
                                        1. Redirects
                                        2. Tech Subdomain / IP
                                          1. Emails from address
                                            1. Headers
                                          2. 1 IP group (20-25 IPs)
                                            1. FBL/bounce process.
                                              1. setup mail server
                                                1. Server config.
                                              2. Step4
                                              3. IP from CRM Hit
                                                1. Server config.
                                                  1. FBL/bounce process.
                                                    1. setup mail server
                                                    2. Phoenix CRM changes


                                                      • будет создан сайт для технических целей, через который фактически будет уходить рассылка на юзеров с других сайтов. для пользователей и статистики рассылки идут со старого сайта юзера
                                                    3. 1 new domain
                                                      1. product
                                                        1. redirects
                                                          1. images
                                                          2. tech
                                                            1. from email
                                                              1. headers
                                                        2. user experience
                                                          1. target clickers by offer category


                                                          Shanelle Burton
                                                          Machine History
                                                          How to Create A Mindmap
                                                          Creating Mind Maps with GoConqr
                                                          Sarah Egan
                                                          NEW: ExamTime's Mind Map Maker
                                                          Andrea Leyden
                                                          Genes, The Genetic Code, DNA and Chromosomes
                                                          Bee Brittain
                                                          Macbeth Quotes/Themes
                                                          Michael LEwis
                                                          CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS
                                                          Olivia Andrews
                                                          How Villainy is Depicted in Macbeth
                                                          Rebecca Harbury
                                                          PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING
                                                          Greta Morrill